First steps with Laravel Inertia

16-04-2023 - Andrés Cruz

First steps with Laravel Inertia

Laravel Learn how to create your first web applications with Laravel Inertia and how to use components, events, actions, methods and scale the project efficiently.

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Primeros pasos Laravel 10 con Livewire 2

07-04-2022 - Andrés Cruz

Primeros pasos Laravel 10 con Livewire 2

Laravel Libro básico sobre Laravel Livewire en el cual veremos cada uno de sus componentes principales para crear aplicaciones basadas en componentes.

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Getting started with Laravel 10 Livewire 2

04-06-2023 - Andrés Cruz

Getting started with Laravel 10 Livewire 2

Laravel Basic book on Laravel Livewire in which we will see each of its main components to create applications based on components.

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Componentes y animaciones en Flutter

07-03-2024 - Andrés Cruz

Componentes y animaciones en Flutter

Flutter En este libro, queremos dar un enfoque más práctico, creando componentes que son muy empleados en el desarrollo tradicional con Flutter, como headers personalizados con formas complejas empleando los Custom Painter, conocer cómo emplear y definir nuestra animaciones personalizadas entre otros componentes o widgets anidados que seguramente consideraras de interés.

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Components and animations in Flutter

07-03-2024 - Andrés Cruz

Components and animations in Flutter

Flutter In this book, we want to take a more practical approach, creating components that are widely used in traditional development with Flutter, such as custom headers with complex shapes using the Custom Painter, knowing how to use and define our custom animations among other components or nested widgets that You will surely find it of interest.

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Primeros pasos con Forge2D y Flame con Flutter

16-11-2023 - Andrés Cruz

Primeros pasos con Forge2D y Flame con Flutter

Flutter Aprenderemos a trabajar con Forge2D, el motor de simulación de física que podemos emplear junto con Flame, crearemos múltiples proyectos o juegos para tener perspectivas distintas de como emplear esta tecnología.

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Getting started with Forge2D and Flame with Flutter

15-11-2023 - Andrés Cruz

Getting started with Forge2D and Flame with Flutter

Flutter We will learn to work with Forge2D, the physics simulation engine that we can use together with Flame, we will create multiple projects or games to have different perspectives on how to use this technology.

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Primeros pasos con Flutter 3

13-07-2022 - Andrés Cruz

Primeros pasos con Flutter 3

Flutter Presentación de mi libro para dar los primeros pasos con Flutter 3, en el cual veremos desde cómo instalar la herramienta, como está formado, su estructura básica y presentar sus componentes más importantes y crear varias aplicaciones.

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Getting started with Flutter 3

01-06-2023 - Andrés Cruz

Getting started with Flutter 3

Flutter Presentation of my book to take the first steps with Flutter 3, in which we will see from how to install the tool, how it is formed, its basic structure and present its most important components and create various applications.

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Primeros pasos con Electron.js

31-10-2022 - Andrés Cruz

Primeros pasos con Electron.js

Electron.js Libro para dar los primeros pasos con Electron.js en la creación de aplicaciones de escritorio multiplataforma con Node.

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