Getting started with Forge2D and Flame with Flutter

- Andrés Cruz

En español

Getting started with Forge2D and Flame with Flutter

With Flame and Flutter, we can make 2D games focused on mobile, desktop or web; as we saw in the course/book on "First steps with Flame with Flutter" we can create all kinds of 2D games using sprite, collisions, tap events, keyboard, Drag among others and a camera system, to name some important features ; With Forge2D and Flame, we can do all of the above but using a 2D physics engine, to implement simpler jumps, collisions between bodies, simulations, are some examples of what we can achieve.



With Flame and Flutter, we can make 2D games focused on mobile, desktop or web; as we saw in the course/book on "First steps with Flame with Flutter" we can create all kinds of 2D games using sprite, collisions, tap events, keyboard, Drag among others and a camera system, to name some important features; with Forge2D and Flame, we can do all of the above but using a 2D physics engine, to implement simpler jumps, collisions between bodies, simulations, are some examples of what we can achieve.

With Forge2D we have bodies, which are the Flame components to create components, but to which we can apply physics such as gravity, collisions, weight, friction, rebound, among others, therefore, with these characteristics, we can create fascinating games in the style of Angry Birds or similar.

This book is mostly practical, we will learn the fundamentals of Forge2D based on small examples until we know enough about the library to create a 2D game with simple physics systems.

Who is this book for

This book is aimed at anyone who wants to learn how to develop in Flame with Forge 2D and learn how to work with the physics engine for our games.

  • For anyone who wants to start developing 2D video games for Android, iOS, Linux, Windows, MacOS or the web.
  • For those people who know how to program in Flutter and who are looking to apply their programming skills in the development of 2D video games with a physics engine.
  • For those people who want to learn how to develop their first 2D games.
  • For those people who want to learn something new.
  • For people who want to improve a skill and who want to grow as a developer and who want to continue climbing their journey in application development with Flutter.
  • For all the people who already know how to develop in Flame and with this, in Flutter and want to take the next step and learn to develop 2D games with the Forge physics engine.




Topics of the book

This book has a total of 7chapters, it is recommended that you read in the order in which they are arranged and as we explain the fundamentals of Forge 2D with Flame based on examples; once you master the library, you can consult the sections in any order you want.

Chapter 1: We will create a project in Flutter with the basic dependencies necessary to create games with Forge 2D, Flame and Flutter.

Chapter 2: We will explain the basic concepts such as what Forge 2D is, the bodies, their characteristics and components.

Chapter 3: We will create several small examples to present one by one the main features and functionalities of Forge2D.

Chapter 4: We will create our first real game in Forge which would be a platform game.

Chapter 5: We will create a second game where we will implement functionalities similar to Angry Birds.

Chapter 6: We will create a third game where we will implement functionalities similar to Pinball.

Chapter 7: We will create a fourth Pong-style game in which it consists of creating walls, a couple of bars and tilting the bars and walls according to the angle of impact of the ball.

The book is currently in development...

Andrés Cruz

Desarrollo con Laravel, Django, Flask, CodeIgniter, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, JavaScript, Vue, Android, iOS, Flutter

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