Get started with Django 5, master the most popular Python web framework

- Andrés Cruz

En español
Get started with Django 5, master the most popular Python web framework


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Django is a framework with many options, it allows us to create applications with the language of the moment Python, a modular programming language, with an impeccable syntax that we can also use in a web environment.

It offers us a modular scheme between projects and applications, an important set of packages to extend the already complete framework and with this, the creation of scalable projects.

It is a framework that, by using Python, brings us its benefits of a clean, clear, precise syntax, a modular and scalable environment through packages.

In this book, we are going to learn how the framework is formed, the basic characteristics that Django allows us as the framework par excellence to create CRUDs processes, which range from the creation of views, templates, connection to models, routing, form validations, creating middleware among others.

In short, you will have an enormous material at your disposal, to make true web applications.


Who is this book for

  • This book is for anyone who wants to start developing with Django; you may come from another framework or even PHP; in both cases, it is a great idea to learn from one of the most advanced and complete web frameworks you can find.
  • For those who want to know the framework and who know other web frameworks, but do not have the necessary knowledge to venture into these.
  • For people who want to improve a skill in web development, who want to grow as a developer and who want to keep climbing their way with other frameworks similar to this one.
  • For those who want to learn or improve a skill and with this, increase their chances of employment or to carry out a personal project.


This guide is intended to get you started with Django; with this, we are going to establish two things:

  1. It is not a book that aims to know 100% Django, or from zero to expert, since it would be too big an objective for the scope of this guide, if not to know its ecosystem, what it offers us and how it works in based on various examples and/or small applications with limited scope.
  2. It is assumed that the reader has at least basic knowledge of the Python programming language, as well as web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript; it is also recommended that you have at least theoretical knowledge about the framework in the use of modules, migrations, MTV; although in the book we make introductions to the entire base structure of the framework.

Book chapters

This book has a total of 13 chapters, it is recommended that you read in the order in which they are arranged and as we explain the components of the framework, go directly to the practice, replicate, test and modify the codes that we show in this book.

  1. Chapter 1: In this chapter we are going to present the necessary software to create projects in Django, what happens from Python, to preparing the environment.
  2. Chapter 2: In this chapter we are going to install Python, create a project and applications and get to know the folder structure of the framework.
  3. Chapter 3: In this chapter, we are going to create a simple CRUD application and learn about all the elements of the framework that this implies, such as handling forms, templates, views and models.
  4. Chapter 4: In this chapter, we're going to work with Django Admin to provide an interface for managing site content; that is, the typical CRUDs.
  5. Chapter 5: In this chapter, we are going to introduce the use of forms in Django, definition, validations, saving and structure in general.
  6. Chapter 6: In this chapter, we are going to present the different functionalities that templates have in Django.
  7. Chapter 7: In this chapter, we are going to introduce some functions that we can use with QuerySets when building queries.
  8. Chapter 8: In this chapter, we are going to build a Rest API with the Django Rest Framework.
  9. Chapter 9: In this chapter, we are going to consume the above Rest Api with an app in Vue 3 and NaiveUI; lists, forms will be created and integrated with Tailwind.css
  10. Chapter 10 : In this chapter, we are going to learn about class-based views by performing the typical operations that are needed in modern web development.
  11. Chapter 11: In this chapter, we are going to learn how to work with files in Django; specifically reading and generating excel and CSV and generating PDFs.
  12. Chapter 12: In this chapter, we are going to show the code of an application created with Alpine.js to create a to do list component.
  13. Chapter 13: In this chapter, we are going to adapt the Alpine.js application introduced in the previous chapter, to work in conjunction with Django.
Andrés Cruz

Desarrollo con Laravel, Django, Flask, CodeIgniter, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, JavaScript, Vue, Android, iOS, Flutter

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