How to use GitHub with Unreal Engine 5 | Collaborating on remote team projects in UE5

Reasons why it is important to use Git and Github Install/Configure Git and Github Unreal to Github, sync: export and import Enable repository in Git in unreal projects Methods to copy the project on multiple computers Adding the remote (github) to the local (Your repo in git on your PC) When to do git push/pull Other ways to publish, unreal and considerations for doing push and pull What changes in the project when creating a repo in Git

Hello everyone My name is Andrs Cruz Im going to quickly give you some context in case youre interested remember that I am a software developer that is to say a web developer mainly with the Arabic code dango among others and also mobile for Android and iOS and I also wanted to delve a little deeper into what would be the development of video games And in this case working with unreal And surely that is why You came here to see how you can do the operation of publishing or having your code also in git in this case like this So nothing That was the first thing I wanted to tell you The next thing is that from this point on Im going to make the video a little long you can see that well it lasts more than 20 minutes I havent even taken the time but I know that it lasts more than 20 minutes and here you are going to see the points that I am going to want to cover in this video therefore at the bottom You have the timeline I dont know what it is called so that you can move around in case you dont want to Okay Listen to the whole explanation if you dont want to directly go to the point of publishing the project or creating the versioning there etcetera and there you are in your free right obviously in the same way Im already telling you every time you see my face Its that Im going to talk a lot about guns here because I like to at least explain well as they say why Im doing all this and I like to give details of all this so what happens is that in the end The video is getting a bit long so nothing lets start

Game developers dont use git and GitHub

So as I told you and thats why I started this video telling you that Im a software developer and its that one of the big as they say shortcomings or impressions that it gave me again Thats my impression is that video game developers It seems to me that they dont use this type of system that much and now Ill explain a little why obviously before making this video I didnt know no no I dont learn I wasnt born learned but I also started looking for other solutions on YouTube of which I didnt find much information and its one of the shortcomings that indicated about unreal that its an enormous technology a huge video game engine but it doesnt have that much documentation And yes in a certain way it feels that way And in this case I started looking specifically to be able to publish my unreal project which is the one Im doing later Ill show you some things in giot which is ultimately the point where I want to get to Ill give you some explanations because I want to do that Oh and I found very little information the information that I found seemed to me that the developers that is to say the video game developers who use unreal to be able to work

It seems to me that they took it a bit as something exotic because of the explanations that some began that you have to use git testo really Its okay you can use it but its not necessary and I wouldnt really use it nor do I use it myself The less things you use the better among others they began to explain how to create an account on GitHub which well is fine but if someone wants to know what it is for I think they would look for a separate video then thats why when they start with those explanations that it seems to me that not even they themselves used it and Im also mentioning this because there are two well of those that I know two quite famous indie video game creators that is the one of gicho ginchu and the one that the lover of pigeons el alba Alba mayo I think especially with kinu is that he made a specific video in which he was commenting that he works in Unity if I remember correctly and he was commenting that once he almost lost the project Because he made some change and then he had to then there wouldnt be because thats the dilemma here of those of these engines that since they have so many things running maybe around here Hey for something you do wrong for an update for some error anything that then doesnt want to open the project which is obviously very bad in this type of scheme because you can lose your work and he spent literally days trying to open or rescue the project and in the end he found a file edited it and was able to rescue it

But if you use git with GitHub obviously especially git you simply wouldnt have these problems because youll always have a backup there in case you lose the work of the day that is the day in which you made a change and then the project didnt open that is the last change you made But if you use this type of system you wont have that problem and I suppose he doesnt use it because if not thats what he would have done instead of spending three days or however many days it took to make that change he would simply have to make a

git checkout el nombre del commit

Ill explain this to you in a little more detail later and that would be all Then go back to doing the work you did Obviously well Ill give you some recommendations later so that you dont have those problems and thats all

So I dont know why they dont use git so much I really am a technology that if I have to look for a negative point I cant find it Because they dont affect you at all and they are all benefits if anything it is that I take up a little more space on the hard drive which is the versioning that you are going to have there but well for current projects and the capacities of hard drives I think not even that and it is something that I really do in development for example in this one which is a Laravel project that is source code it is impossible for this not to open At least I dont know that they hack you and destroy your code but since it is not something compiled that is being processed in this case by visud visol studio when it is opening it as occurs with Unreal or Unity projects when you open it there is a kind of precompiler such as in which it is analyzing the project to see if it is valid etc and so on that does not happen here here you simply open it and thats it And even so I do not conceive modern development meaning modern programming without using what is git at least git So really I was very surprised by that when I noticed that many developers dont use git for some reason So that was the first point that I wanted to explain to you here the presentation part and also the Why part Well the presentation is this for now Im going to go to the part of the reasons why it is important to use git and GitHub and Im going to talk to you a little about what each of them is

So here we go

Git and GitHub the basics

Here Im also going to add another one which is to install git and GitHub well install configure You know this is just a little legend because obviously we dont install github so that Im not criticized right now but well so that its understood lets go there So the reasons for using this one I already mentioned this to you a little in the previous section or section or whatever and it was that you can basically protect your code but exactly what it does is what it does its a kind of versioning some ramifications every time you decide you go there making small changes or you go publishing small changes So to speak that is to say at some point you get into here in the development of video games and not get into the very technical part of basic programming

You make a screen for example the presentation screen of the video game where you say Play and options then you made that screen you automatically go and publish that change using some git commands that Ill tell you about later

From there you continue developing and I dont know if you publish the Player Then at that point you go back here and publish the Player and so you go Therefore you will always have that versioning exactly what this is I will show you here in a little more visual way

This is my repository on github and if you dont know github I recommend you look for other material there because if not this video is going to be huge but basically it is a way to be able to version or have your code not locally as it would be with git but public or rather remotely here I have all my repositories I have more than 157 to date almost all of them are public the difference is that for example this public one I can open it here in this case I as I am the owner I am authenticated I can open any obviously but if I go here in an incognito window in which I am authenticated and you can see that I can access the ones that are private which is surely the one that interests you would be for example for your project if you are going to upload it to steam for example that is you want to publish it you want to live off it obviously you are going to want to make it private so that people cannot access it like I have one here which is the one we have here unreal engine here if I try to access without being authenticated it will not let me and it will give me a nice 404 page And that is the difference then

How to create a repository on github

How to create a repository here Well before that the first thing is that you have to come here github in case you also want to use this there are others like Well right now I don't remember the names but this one that I always use you have to come here hit sign up in case you don't have it and here you create an account you put What happened here Well I think they changed the screen yesterday because this didn't appear to me Well you follow the form here you put your email your password whatever God asks of you here you will have your account it is the same as always and once you have your account you will have a nice window like the following, in which to create your repository click here more and here you create it so here we start a little backwards Sorry, this in the following is the git part that well this right now I cover it better in the installation part then.

Advantages of using git and github

What advantages do we have when using the git and github scheme without explaining much to you right now what each thing is for well as I indicated to you At the time of making that versioning you here you will see perfectly What are the changes that you are making For example I also do not kill myself a lot of messages and I do not comply with many guidelines either therefore do not criticize me much because it is something for me in the end something private then here I for example say I fixed the platform a platform that I had around there that is when it changes color it has to kill the Player and I fixed this here I do some tests for a platform that jumps automatically since it is a Crash type game that I am making as a platform So here you already have perfectly What are the changes that you are making little by little so you have a kind of log there you have the first one in the first as who says advantage that you have when using this In case you lose some development there you deleted it by mistake Here you can see it and not only can you see it but you can also well as who says if you deleted it before here you can recover it then apart from being able to have a log of the changes and the evolution that you have in the project you can also recover previous code in that case it is through a git command Although usually you can also see it here Although here with the part of how all this is compiled it is not seen very clearly For example if I come here to another project that plain text here I see here the commit here usually appears to me to see the code more easily but in this case of Real This may be difficult because here as it tells you no no the viewer does not exist or you cannot use it because they are binaries but you also have that second advantage the third advantage is that precisely as happened to quinu or kinu is that when the project fails that you do not want to open for whatever reason even to me starting I am new to this as I told you in the introduction of this channel eh I started to import some things I did them wrong and rakata I blew up the project So I had to create another one because I was not going to waste 4 hours there because they had practically no progress at the moment I still maintain it is for practice or prototype testing So for more that is I lost the previous work Although I was obviously able to compile and paste certain files from the previous one that is to say the blueprints and other little things but well that additional work was there if you use this you dont have it because when you lose it what you have to do here is a git command which is Im going to eh To see here I am in unreal which is simply going back to the past for that there are 1000 ways you can do it it was what happens that I dont know it by heart it was a git eh Head men men1 something like that But what I do above all although I almost never go back because I never have these types of problems is to copy here This small code you copy and place in the terminal once git is installed which we will see in the following section

git checkout 

You put that This Command in the project and now we do some tests with that and it returns you to the previous version therefore there you would lose the work that you did before But at least you dont ruin the project and it doesnt take you 4 days to recover the advantage And its that youre not going to lose your project in a stupid way in which you made a mistake or something happened and you lose the work although you can lose it because thats simply using kit but where GitHub comes into all this as I indicated here it will be local to your computer that is to say if you grab your computer and throw it in the elevator or down the stairs because the work didnt work out for you there you lose your work because in the end its local to your computer so to avoid this or to eliminate this disadvantage and to be able to as they say save your work in the cloud in this case in GitHub you can use a remote repository like in this case its github which extends a little bit what would be git so that its not local but you can also use it again Or you can have your work saved there on the Internet therefore and You have the third advantage that you can perfectly grab your computer throw it out the window and you will be able to recover your work on another computer obviously because it will become completely nerdy so that is why GitHub is used which through some commands that I will present to you later you can always have your code safe there therefore it does not matter what happens whether your house turns on or whatever your work will always be safe That is another advantage that you have

The next advantage which I consider to be the most powerful for example I work on three computers I have a Mac a PC and a laptop because when I model the back of being in this chair eh I go to a more comfortable part with the lacto and above all when I want to work in the case of Unreal with things a little more everyday like level design that I do not require so look what I want to do is design a blueprint that would be more complicated if I want to simply draw boxes or model the boxes for the levels I prefer to do it more comfortably on a lapop then you can have synchronized or work on the same project on the teams that you want and even to go a little further suppose that you are not working alone on a project if you do not have two three or four people working with you those four people will perfectly be able to work on the same project without much problem Well of course of course there can be problems there if they touch the same file but that is another topic that I am not going to deal with in this video but there you have another advantage and disadvantage that there really is none if anything it is that it takes up a little more disk space in the in the on the team but otherwise good that you have to launch three commands and you lose 4 seconds doing that instead of every time you make an important change in your project due to problems I dont see any disadvantage really I dont see any disadvantage So these are my reasons for using git and GitHub if there is anything that you dont understand feel free to comment there we go to the next section which would be the installation

install git and github

What does this mean here if you are using a Mac you are in luck because it is already installed by default if not you can search here install Mac what I would do and you have like 20 ways with homebrew which should be the unfortunate one or else here directly through the installer I think here even here it tells you for homebrew correct you install homebrew run the command and voila you already have git in gindo I mean Windows What happens is that it is ginda and it does not appear to me you have to also come to this page download the installer next next next very careful that there you will see a check that indicates that if you want to add git to the path add it if not you have to do it manually then And that would be all I already did it I am not going to destroy my system The important thing is that when you open your terminal here you may have to restart you write in your terminal git here and here it should give you an output not a command not found So at that point you have already installed your git there you need to make some configurations but basically that is done Practically alone and especially when you use GitHub And to from this point you have to come to your github if you also want to rescue and use your project with github here which I recommend again There is no disadvantage Since you are not even paying then you enter here to github as I indicated in the previous section you create an account you will have a nice window like the following you click here on newest repository and here you add a name whatever you want it can be anything but it cannot be repeated for example you cannot have two projects called unreal there I defined its name if you want the description and and other important things here you put it in private if you do not want your repository to be public as I mentioned before and this does not appear this would be For more information about the repository and there you can consult other documentation but it is not necessary and little else really So here you have both git and github ready to be used then all that remains is to see how it all works what is it

Project pull

The next thing I want to tell you So for this Well lets go a little bit here I already gave you the reasons we have already covered all this So Im going to show you a little bit with I synchronize the project that I have here that now I dont know where I placed the blessed terminal here I have it So what do you have to do here if you have to launch a little bit of commands they are very silly commands and Really if you are a video game developer I dont think this will cost you much Here I am already positioned on my project folder obviously you have to know where your project is My God if not well I dont know what youre doing with your life remember that by default Well here I cant open a new one lets see if it lets me have a terminal the same thing you have to do in Windows but its a cmd or any strange terminal that you have installed somewhere
Well before the desktop you have to move here with a CD here for example Im going to look for my project to see where it is I think it was around here outside I dont remember anymore Oh no sorry it was here in documents eh Here I have real project I write CD and you drag it in Windows you can also do the same but sometimes weird things are placed there but well you have to move this folder however God wants You move there I am there

cd <folder>

and so here if you do an ls


It is not necessary to do this but here you can see what we have in the project It is very important here to always start from the root to see the commands that I am going to present to you since if you go into one of them then you may have Well you are going to have problems because it is not going to synchronize correctly It is only going to synchronize what you have in that folder in this case the content folder and the rest is left out which is something that you are not going to want

What are the commands are the blessed commands here that will surely ask you to authenticate and everything else because as it is a project to which you are going to do a Push and it is not public it will ask you to authenticate that you exist in guija But the good thing is that it is already automatic a very nice window appears there in which you authenticate that is to say it is already something visual you should not have problems with that So before showing you here How eh how to publish which was the next change Well here I am going to show you How how to see not in this case import because I already take advantage of the fact that I am here and you can see the process in the same way later I will recap it a little

Synchronize the project on different computers

So what do I do Here in this case I already made some changes on another computer and I want to sync them here to my Mac How the hell do I do this The command is git Remember that everything starts with git in this case it is already associated with the project and everything else So just like we did before here we do a

git pull 

That is the command in this case it is for I think alar we put here Pull and you will see that automatically it will pull all the changes that are in the repository as you are seeing and with this here we have it here I have some problems that for example there is a synchronization that nas had to do with some folders but nothing happens there we already have the changes therefore the changes that I made on my Windows machine on the laptop and everything else and here I have them also on this computer which is great obviously here you will surely get a window for what is to authenticate and everything else Of course at this point I think Im starting a little bit backwards in this case Im talking to you about the synchronization and a little further on Ill tell you How is the part of obtaining the project since at the moment you have uploaded it is only on github but you have not you have not cloned it So to speak Ill tell you this last in this case I am like as I told you I have the project here as is you can see it and I am synchronizing it with one that I already have here locally So you have this too What to do with the closed project that is closed Unreal because if not Unreal locks some files and Git cannot work with them and it will give you an error there That would be the first change or the first operation that you have to do What is the next step Well if you have some changes here that I have not made and you want to synchronize them in this case at this point you can open Unreal do your developments and at the end of the day or whatever close it and come here to publish your changes to GitHub so that they are safe

Add changes to the repository

Como te comentaba antes para eso aquí haces un:

git add

To add all the changes here are a little bit repeated here what we are doing is from the root which is the project that Remember that this is this you do not have to do it from a folder for example the content one but you have to do it directly from the root of the project you are as if to say tracking all the changes that is what it is doing because it has two phases the other the next command is the

git commit -m

 m is for message and here you indicate the message that is the one you are going to see here in the commit and I come to see here here here here This is not good to see where my project is now I got lost I am going to look for it here these are going to be these messages that are going to appear here so in my case I have nothing because I have not done anything I am going to put test here it will even give me here that this is clean and you do nothing but well in your case if you need some changes you will synchronize there and this is the message that will appear to you on github as I showed you and then you do a

git push 

Git push and git pull

And that would be practically everything With that it is uploading the changes again nothing appears to me because I dont have any changes to synchronize or send therefore this is the inverse The first was that you are bringing the changes and this is that you are sending your changes from local to remote that is from your PC here GitHub and those would be the two most important commands that you have there to know the pull command to pull the changes and the git push command to as they say publish them So with this we had covered the import and export part and well synchronizing would be the pull part there I repeated it

Enable git in unreal

I explain the changes you have to make to enable git here in unreal you click here where it says version control the button that you saw and here you select git Which at the time I recorded this video is in beta around here you dont have to do much more you accept everything eh Therefore you click the blue button and that would be practically all in my case it gave me a nice error here to see what the hell I did Ah I need to initialize the project here the initial thing since before this you have to do an init but unreal already does it for us we wait 10000 years for it to finish and then you can click the blue button again and with this you will have kit perfectly configured in your project

Using unreal project on multiple PCs

So and excuse me that I started a little backwards because I was explaining to you before how to do the synchronization without having the project on another PC but how the hell then we can get this project on another PC or directly the same one it may be that you want it in another location to do other tests or what do I know that is to say place the real one or the same one in a different folder and change the name etc for that here what you have to do the clean way is good Im going to move to another location point point This is for another one Im going to place it here in documents as you can see and here Im going to write the following Command we write gcl and we place this you copy this url and paste it here what does it do exactly as it tells you there it is cloning that repository then you hit enter and everyone is happy what is the small problem for example I have a 300 mega connection and it works pretty well for me but there are times if for example you have a small interruption it probably dies or there are also times that it seems that it does not finish synchronizing correctly therefore it may be that at about 30 40 the process stops you Please indicate any strange error something like this in this case Im going to stop it something like a package is missing a strange issue there so you can try it a few times but if it doesnt work for you that is if you dont have a way to get the project from up here what you can do is

Copy the entire project from the D where you have it originally copy it to a complete pendrive and paste it here since in the end the project in Windows and in Mac which are the environments with which I am working Since in Linux I believe that there is no eal eh it is the same project absolutely nothing changes and you can see this clearly because the folder set is the same absolutely nothing changes again so you can copy it and you can paste it again here on the computer with the repository and everything included which is what I am going to talk to you about here in the next section and with that no longer Well you no longer have to do this gicon command because the problem we have here with these types of projects is that they are a little heavy For example I have a pure prototype and it is already more than 4 Gb so you know to download it like this with a command that becomes a little delicate you have to look at its face a little and if you do not have a good internet connection then you probably will not be able to download it on another computer So as I say if it does not work for you

git clon 

That would be the fastest way Well because you leave it running and you can copy the project to a pendrive and paste it on the next computer and from there do the commands that I indicated in the previous section of gpool gpus and really little else and remember to do those commands with unreal closed please also remember This is something unreal Although here something like the name of the unreal project would appear Master I think it appears you can perfectly rename that folder and then open unreal to be able to work with it, which I did For example in this for this project so at this point you know the methods to be able to work on multiple computers Okay at this point you already have git in your unreal and therefore you also have the repository here therefore you have to make the matches between the two How the hell do we do that for that here once the repository I'm going to show it to you I give it here well I'm going to delete this it's a test I give it here to create a nice window like this will appear do not close it please eh here it tells you in this case we are already working with an existing repository because it already exists vga the redundancy in already created it real then here the only thing we have to do is make the match how do we do the match right here by adding the remote what does this command do? git always starts with git obviously we place a Remote that is to say remote Add add origin Well this has always caused me conflict origin refers to the remote origin for me it would be local But well they see it the other way around and the origin would be this repository and little else here also rename the branch since well this is optional but put it the same because it could be called Master here you can see it here bu in this case it appears here sometimes Master appears if you have an old version of git it appears by Master and well by the master Slave which is a slave and for racial reasons they changed the name to Main as main and that is why of this and then we do the:

git push 

I dont know if Well I explained it to you in all that after I forgot that it is to synchronize the changes from the remote I mean from your local computer from your PC to the origin which is supposedly the remote for me but anyway whatever it is what it is doing in this case This is what you have to do Then you have to go to your cmd just as I showed you before that I dont know where the hell it is well Here is one I move re to see unreal and queen and I am not going to copy it copy these commands you give it here but I will paste it but I am not going to execute it copy this you execute and the matter is over of course it will take you a while because it weighs like 2 3 or 4 Gb therefore I recommend that you do this as soon as you create a project in unreal so that you do not upload so much garbage and it fills up with garbage and then you have to upload more things because here yes or yes you have to wait for the process to finish because if not you cannot make a compressed file and upload it here you have to wait Yes or yes that you do that synchronization there surely you It will ask you a window will appear for you to add additional data if you have any questions let me know But the only thing you have to add is the name the surname questions like that and also that you authenticate with this it has to be the same GitHub account obviously because it is a private repository and that would be all but it is a little graphical interface window that I asked you anything you can also tell me enter there because I dont have it here at hand So that was the next thing I wanted to tell you

Recommendations when using unreal git and github

I told you at the beginning when to do

git push

That is to say when you publish your changes I recommend that you do it at least once a day understanding that you are a normal person and you work one day and you dont work three days in a row in a chair therefore taking that as a basis that you are not crazy just when you finish working which was what I was telling you before at least do a Push It doesnt matter that you havent finished the implementation you can put it in the message that is to say you put git commit in the first part of I dont know the window for the login no question like that obviously you will see what it is that you put in the wording so that because in the end you will understand that and the important thing is that you understand it but I recommend that you do it at least once a day that is to say at the end of your development phase you can do it multiple times without problems if you are very fast and you do three or four important Cs a day then well every time you make a change close Unreal that is what I recommend you open your terminal just as I taught you in the previous section you make the commit and you do the Push you reopen Unreal and You are still in that process But at least I recommend that you do it once a day at the end of your work phase and that you obviously dont forget it and if you forget it I dont recommend that you start working on another team as I mentioned at the beginning even if its another blueprint or whatever because in the end Unreal can touch many things internally it will give you a conflict there and thats all really

Recommendations when using git GitHub and unreal

Here I also wanted to make a small pause I added one more that would be another way of publishing that was not the one I was telling you about You can also do it from here I have not really done it I prefer to use the commands it is here where people get a little crazy and I also used desktop although you can also do it here although you can also do it by command which is what I recommend since you have much more control since it may be that the desktop is used here you check something you did not know or you checked by mistake and it does something you do not know simply to work with git you have to use the previous commands and you should be fine here what I recommend is that when you make the publication that is to say when you do a git push and you publish your work to another computer that means that you no longer have to work on that project anymore since if you open it again this implies that you can make changes to the project and therefore when you go to do a pull that is to say you finished you opened it you worked on something you turned off your computer you went to computer number two you did the pool you kept working you published them and when you went back to the original team and you do a git pull you will probably have a conflict between versions since when you opened it the second time Well when you opened it once the changes were published the first time well you will have a version conflict there so to avoid that do the Push command please right when you finish working and you are not going to touch the project anymore that is you closed Unreal The next step is to publish your changes and on the other hand do Pull as soon as you start your team and start working to get those changes and it doesnt happen again Something similar in which you start working and you forget to synchronize and you start touching files that you already touched in another project or are directly internal to Unreal and you get a conflict

So it is always git pull before working and git push when you finish working It is very important that you have that so that you do not have problems because if not you have to present other commands such as merch and I do not want to complicate things further here The important thing is that you understand that you only need those commands that I explained to you before If you have any questions about them do not hesitate to comment and I will try to go a little deeper or clarify your doubts I am also not really a professional in github or git in general because I work alone So I really do not take advantage of many of the potential it has because it is not necessary for me because again I work alone What matters to me is to have my work safely stored and to be able to synchronize it between multiple computers So here you also have another way I do not really use it I think it is Save in which you have a similar process Well here it gave me an error that tells me that there is nothing to synchronize because I already did it What happens is that it is not seen on the screen You can also do it there but I prefer to do it by commands as mentioned before There you have a complete control over what is uploading and what is not While here things may change a little here too from the moment you enable GitHub you will see some check marks there sometimes they appear but again as I have not done anything there it is there these little things start to appear there that say that they have already been changed that I and when you start to publish they already change the color I dont like it I prefer to do it by command I am from the school life But well if you like this way at least I wanted to tell you that it exists I cant tell you much more because I dont use it so what I tell you here I am inventing but that is so that you have it pending and here for example you can see a good change of that what I told you at the beginning that I did a G Push eh I published my changes then I opened the project again I made this change and now here you can see that I made a change in the project And at least this one plus what I have touched unreal internally When I made the save and therefore and there if I make changes on another computer and I come back when I go to make the pool here you will you have a versioning problem there and youre going to have to make a merch there because youre going to have a conflict so for that again for the last time you do the G Push just when you finish working that is to say if you closed Unreal you publish your changes and you forget about it and the git pool as soon as you start working as soon as you turn on the computer do the git pull so you dont forget And thats the next thing I wanted to tell you about here

What changes when adding git to a project in unreal

Okay, here I started to invent some points that I considered important since there are many things. I have recorded this video twice, the first time I did not use it because the damn song damaged a file just in the middle and Well, I decided to do it this way a little better, that's why I'm cutting it because when I put the camera it's hell Well, what changes when you add git here, which is another important point? Oh look, look, the blessed folder appears here to see how I enable it in mat There it is on Mac it is control or command I don't know what the keyboard is command shift period and over here you can see that some little things appear here you see the . git how strange I don't see it here it is, what happens is that it is overlapped here it is This is what you add this, as who says, are the changes that you have at the project level and that is why I tell you that now it weighs a little more These are as you can see in case you don't know they are hidden files and folders, that is to say that by default they are hidden because for protection reasons to the same ones that you do not delete it by mistake or modify it, you do not have to touch it, I simply tell you that it exists and it is precisely here where the control of all that versioning that I mentioned to you before is and that it does it for us and well therefore part of eh As who says of the changes or of the versioning when you want to go back or towards adante is located here located in this very important folder here we also have this one called ginor that is automatically generated by unreal At the time of Well what I showed you as in Step three in which it indicates as its name indicates these are the files that are going to be ignored Why are they going to be ignored because they are usually not required for the project and they can be auto-generated at the time of unreal now the project in this case would be for example the intermediate one, the binary one, the save one that are already internal to unreal to me due to an error that I had at the time of doing the synchronization, they were synchronized and well although they are defined here, they are still synchronized because the first time they appear in the commit Although they appear reflected here, they are going to continue synchronizing and to get them out you have to do some commands but well since they are light folders and they don't really affect me I left them there but it is also important that you understand that and here it is also important that that is why you have to be very very as who says very healthy At the time of doing t Push and your Pull at the beginning as I indicated before the Pull as soon as you start your PC so that you don't forget and the Push at the end of your work or when you consider it but here you can see that these two folders were synchronized Although here it indicates the opposite here you can see them and that is why I had a problem When sending it from Windows to the mac eh I don't remember what I did wrong really but well it really doesn't matter to me because again I work alone and I don't care those folders have almost nothing they are one as far as I checked they were quite light and well they don't give me many problems but well if you can avoid them to synchronize also perfect and in case you have any problem you can delete them, that is, you can go directly to the project folder there you look for it, select it and you delete it Although before deleting it I would recommend that you simply move it, for example, to another location on the desktop in case it doesn't damage your project because I did it, I think nothing happened to me and then you would do the Pull again, that is to say, if at the time of doing it you made a mistake At the time of doing the Pull and the Push eh those folders were synchronized and you are having a conflict with files in those folders you can remove them from your project you do the Pull or Push and well if you can open the project perfectly And you see that everything is fine then you can delete it. So that was the next thing I wanted to comment on and with that I finish this video I hope it has been useful to you. I am going to try to make a short video of this as well so that those who are desperate But well I wanted to, as they say, expand a little on all this and give it with the luxury of detail or everything that I master everything I know about this GitHub thing and I really wanted to give it to you clearly and why I do all this so without further ado I'll see you in another video

- Andrés Cruz

En español

Andrés Cruz

Develop with Laravel, Django, Flask, CodeIgniter, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, JavaScript, Vue, Android, iOS, Flutter

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