Evaluating Game Mechanics, Gameplay, and Scenarios: Moss
We talk about key aspects of gameplay and things that could be improved.
Hello, just like I have done with other titles, I would like to evaluate here a little bit the title that you are seeing on the screen as I mentioned before, not as such the Gameplay since there are 1000 channels for that, which is not exactly the theme of this one, but more than anything I am interested in evaluating the functional part, the mechanical things that we could in a certain way copy or adapt for our needs and things that we could improve.
So now that it is clear, here are some little things that I was seeing as well, they are not just little details.
You can see that the grass part is floating, things that could have polished the game graphically, it looks pretty good for the limitations that we already know about on the type of devices that it is running on, but they are little things that would have improved the experience a little bit here as well, so here you can see that it has ghost grass
Here is a glich that I saw too, look at the part of the blocks that is eating a piece
Unnatural executions
We have to press the lever here to activate the arrow here, which by the way reloads automatically for no apparent reason, which is well, no, no, not very stylish. And from there, the villain appeared. I didn't like the mechanics very much. In that case, I think they could have made it easier since the only thing we wanted here was for the villain to appear, so I think there were simpler ways to implement it than to throw something that doesn't make much sense as I have said, that you have to press a lever, you are not aiming at anyone, it falls into the ocean and the enemy comes out, it seems a little strange to me.
VR platform games
God mode or that's what I call it, which is when we can move around here, is a bit limited by the whole space. But this influences how you're going to interact with the character, in this case the Player. For example, if you're looking at it from the side, then you pull the levers in a different way than if you're looking at it from the front. So that gives you a little bit of additional difficulty, something that you don't have, for example, when you're playing on a 2D screen that's always going to be linear because you're always looking at the Player in one direction, of course. So you also have to rotate the screen a bit depending on the mechanics or depending on whether it gives you that flexibility. But for example, games like Crash or Mario where the camera is always locked in one direction, which is usually the preferred direction or the one they consider to be the best, you don't have that kind of freedom.
Here you do have it because you can view the scene in different ways and with this you also change a bit how you interact or how you're going to pull the levers to, in this case, make that jump, which I find quite curious. And I really liked that part.
The rat that is the player since when you achieve certain objectives you reach a certain point whatever it is always puts its little hand on your paw so you can hit it
Things to improve
This is the part where I no longer have any more screenshots, they are simply a few things that I wanted to talk about, other additional things, this game is also based on puzzles, that is, it has some simple puzzles and I don't like it very much in the sense that it is not so much a puzzle what they offer. A God mode that is seeing the whole stage and simply when you arrive or know How you can go from point A to point B that would be the route that is hidden that would be the puzzle itself, that is to say there is not a puzzle as such that you have like who says I have four pieces and I have to see how I put them together or I have to see where I place it is not so much of that type they are simply hidden stages or hidden routes
Final villain who is the one who appeared when I shot the arrow and magically appeared here in the lake if r are apparent but that is how it worked the same here here it did make a little more sense and I think it was better that they did that instead of throwing the arrow into the ocean they should have implemented precisely this system that was when here here you had the player jump here and this fell well from here he jumped here and there to continue to the right here it made a little more sense because this caused a lot of noise so it seemed that simply throwing an arrow that without any sense activated the Player I mean the enemy and automatically also recharged did not make much sense that by the way as as that as we were advancing in the level since all this is a big level that you were so-called fighting the enemy two more times I think we hit him two more times the arrows appeared these arrows appeared again a little further ahead again this this is a big level in which you have to escape from the enemy go to another room and in that room you either have to run away or some attack options appeared which were these arrows that we have here here it was in this first instance it was just for it to appear and then I think two more appeared in which when you activated them they did do damage to the enemy I think they pierced it here in the neck over there stay with that and obviously the enemy survived until the final battle which was the one I have here which would be precisely this one So it is here when you defeat the enemy basically you have to go down this door that I found quite hateful to go down I do not know why it was so complicated because I hit it down and it did not want to go down I hit it on the sides and it also did not want to do anything although obviously because it is a door.
Games must be logical
Here is what I say that has to be very important How are you going to present the scenarios in this case as it is a door it is supposed to go down therefore the switch that would be this thing that I am selecting here or that I am pointing here has to be down at least it did not work very well for me I do not know why but well I just wanted to say that also in my opinion I also had a small problem in the execution part but curiously just when you crush this part of the snake in quotes it dies since then it revives to make a final execution or a final cinematic But that does not make sense since you can perfectly crush the part of the snake it is precisely this part of any snake and it is not going to die obviously it is going to hurt and everything else but it is not going to die at least not instantly what I mean was the cinematic that they made therefore it is a cinematic that does not make sense and as the times at the end is that well here you can see that the player the Player has a little sword and it pierces its skull which also does not make sense because let's see Look at the shell that the snake has, it's huge, so to reach the brain I think it didn't reach, at least it was a little forced, but well, I also didn't like that part very much because again, if you wanted that to be the end, don't put that helmet that's protecting the brain, just put a normal snake and you could do that execution more easily.
Again, it's those little details, at least I like to visualize them because they give you information about what should happen, if what happens makes sense or if what happens doesn't make sense, I know it's a children's game and everything else, but hey, I do like these little details to be taken care of, or at least again it's my opinion and they're things that I would take into consideration for when I'm making a game similar to this one, since they really are games that anyone, well, not anyone, but with a little dedication you can make a game similar to this one, and again, for me, the concept, the ideas, are very important, how you're going to present it in the end, so all that has to have an apparent sense and not a little like what I commented.
Easy to migrate a 2D platform game to VR
This is my conclusion a little bit with what I saw in the game the little things that I didn't like the rest seemed very interesting to me even the game that I am implementing that is similar in a certain way to this one I would like to take it also for this type of devices Here also the part that I liked that again based on the game that I am implementing that is a platform is that you can perfectly in this deactivate the God mode that is the one that is again the one that is visualizing the scene and it is the one that is visualizing the scene you really don't interact much with it or it doesn't do much interaction sometimes it moves a block here a block there but really you can perfectly do without this in this mode therefore this makes it an ideal candidate for you to be able to adapt any other type of title for example a game suppose Crash to augmented reality since more than the user doing certain actions like lowering this lever or moving a block and so on I think that the part that I liked the most here in playing this type of experiences in br is how everything is feeling that you are a little in the place that is to say being able to see your surroundings and feel like you are there.
- Andrés Cruz

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