Introduction to Laravel Cashier Stripe, Laravel and Vue, Keys, functionalities and more
We will give an introduction to ALL the aspects that we have to take into account and options to integrate Stripe in Laravel ranging from Vue Stripe, native SDK, Laravel Cashier and creating an account.
In this first class I want to give a small introduction to what the stripe platform is, which in short we can also see it as an electronic wallet, just like it happens with PayPal, we can use it to make different payments on different platforms and for our case of interest, which is obviously developing applications with Laravel, we can also include it as part of our application so that later using either PayPal or Stripe in the case of the examples we have seen of implementations at the level of our project in Laravel, the client can make payments and buy products in our application. It's that simple, that's the purpose of Why we can use Stripe, so here's how it's written:
Create account
Here you can also see a little more information if you start to go down a little by simply typing stripe you will see that they also include other services such as Apple Pay Google Pay you can also pay through PayPal has many things or pay directly to them and obviously they also take their commission and everything else very similar to what we have in PayPal in summary with all this.
The only thing I want to make clear to you is that Stripe is an electronic wallet that we can use either to buy something online, which is not our case of interest. Our case of interest is to be able to use it to add it to our application and give a potential client another possibility, that is, apart from PayPal, to be able to pay for our electronic product or anything that you are selling online, it's that simple.
So at this point you can type stripe in Google and enter here in the first link which would be this one that corresponds to the official page which would be the one I have open here this is the page here also again it tells you a little more information like who uses them and etc. I recommend that you take a look at this in case you don't know it but here what we are interested in is authenticating:
That is to say, here the first thing you have to do in case you do not have an account is to create an account, in my case I already have one and that is why it appears this way but if I did not have an account the page would be the following and here you will see an option to Log in, this may change so well be it, they are always updating these platforms so you have to look there where it is Log in and here create an account I am not going to explain to you what you have to put and so on to also activate your account etcetera that's it You simply have to follow the steps that stripe sends you obviously everything starts here so please in order to follow this section you have to have an account in stripe that is the only thing that again you have to have at this point once you have your account you can go back to this page and click here where it says dashboard and with this you will have a page like the following which is our dashboard
Stripe Dashboard
Here we practically have everything that we are going to need in essence for the course, what we are going to use obviously here is the test mode or development mode, here you can activate or deactivate it, possibly this will find you in test mode so here the credentials that you can use for test mode will appear and right now we continue with this but here you can have a little more information as I was telling you accept payments with PayPal, Google Pay, Apple Pay and well, God knows what else here we also have the developer keys, so later on when we have to configure the public and secret keys, just like it happens with PayPal, it is this one that we have here and when we finally develop the application and you want to take it to production, you simply click here to go to production mode and again you have to replace the keys and that would be all but here are your keys that you are going to use again in development and production what else do we have here.
What Stripe offers
It works a little bit different from PayPal and usually it has a lot of things, we'll present them a little more formally but we can create either one-time payments, recurring payments, subscriptions among other things but it all starts by creating here the range of products that we're going to sell, that's one way and I think it's more than anything the good one is the preferred way to be able to use these types of platforms, so we have the range of products right here in this that says product catalogs. Here you can also have your customer wallet and so on but right now that's not really the case as I told you here we have everything so here in product catalogs we can create valar the redundancy:
- Our products here we can create the first one and others
- In case this screen does not appear to you because you do not remember exactly, you can come here to create a test environment, for example here we can create one for Laravel, which is what we are going to follow, create a test environment and here you have it, which is what it does is classify, that is, it will generate other test and secret keys
- It will also generate a product catalog or rather you can create your product catalog for this test environment directly and with the products we will be able to create prices, that is, the prices of the products, I will evaluate this a little later, but just stick with this, that is, in short, here create the test environment, select it here at the beginning it has the keys, the public and secret keys that we will use later to configure our project and another important point, the products, that is, if you sell shoes here you have to come and create a product called shoe or directly put the brand, that is, if you sell 10 shoes you could create 10 products, shoe one, shoe two, up to shoe 10 or the brand or whatever you want to put on it and there put a price although we will cover this later so simply
Stick with this so this is the most important thing we have here on the stripe gateway again remember this page you can attach it to your browser there in case you forget it as a bookmark So where does laravel come into all this laravel already has a platform to communicate directly with stripe which is called laravel cashier note that stripe also has its own platform what I mean is that it is not the only way to be able to use stripe in any project it is similar to what we have in PayPal.
SDK Nativa
In this case, notice that we have several APIs depending on the technology you are working with, whether it is .net Go Java php, which would be our case of interest, python Ruby, which is a library that we install normally. And from here, we can make requests like crazy to whatever you want to do, whether it is well, we will explain this later, create a session, which is the order ID in PayPal, something similar, create a client, create a product, etc. This is one way, but as is common among Laravel people, we also have a specific package for Arabic, which is known as Laravel Cashier:
So at this point The only thing I want you to understand is that on the one hand we have, as they say, the official one, which is the one we have here on the screen or any of these depending on the technology and we also have a specific or adapted package by the Laravel people, I suppose in communication with the Stripe people but specific for Laravel, which is called Laravel Cashier, but in both cases we can use this depending on what we want to do, so that's important. Well, here you can see if you type Laravel Cashier here in Google, the first page, the non-promotional one, better said, here we have it and it would be this one and here you can find out both what you can do with the package, which is basically all the communication that allows us to try or all the functionalities that allow us, as I mentioned before, to create products, create prices, create clients, create subscriptions, recurring payments, all that bunch of things, you can see here, we're not going to cover so much in this section, but it's important that you also understand it here and know what we have here, we're just going down here.
Installation and configuration
Here it explains what you have to do, the installation, the migrations, which is for the subscriptions and other part, this is written here, we migrate them here as well, this is for the configuration file:
$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag="cashier-migrations"
$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag="cashier-config"
Customers, subscriptions, payments…
We have clients here there we can do several things you can take a look at the payments part that would be our case of interest to create a payment delete it remove it add it update it whatever you want you want to do the subscriptions part as you can see here we have it well classified so you know exactly what we can do including generating invoices as is you can see that it was another point that I had not mentioned to you we can do many things and you can see that the documentation is quite long so in summary we have two ways of working with stripe either using sorry this one not the library or the library The app as you want to call it official:
Which is this or through the arab caser which one to use depends on your needs since it may be that the ar caser is too big for what you want to do, which is the next point that we are going to talk a little about, that is, you may want to make a simple payment now, therefore, you can use cas without problems or you can also make a request just like that through the library that stripe offers us, we will talk about this later, but it was important for you to understand that, so to close this bunch of labels here we have, I think, a very simple way to start with what stripe is, which is precisely with this plugin called Vue stripe
Vue Stripe
Here we are obviously getting a little bit out of what stripe is with larvel but I think that again it is a very simple and very nice entry that we can have and I would say that in most cases this would be more than enough since in most cases:
What you want is to sell a product and that's it and that's it. Therefore, this is a very simple way to do it and it is the plugin that we are going to use, so at this point you can use either the project that we are developing in this course with Laravel Inertia since you can perfectly install this plugin as one more dependency again in Laravel Inertia or you can use the Rest API project that we also created before, which is the one that I am going to use and is the one that I have here:
In short, that is Stripe, those are the options we have to be able to use it in a project, whether it is Abel or in this case Vue or in this case Arabic with Vue, so I will explain the rest of the things later so as not to make this too long, so let's go there.
- Andrés Cruz
This material is part of my complete course and book; You can purchase them from the books and/or courses section, Curso y Libro Laravel 11 con Tailwind Vue 3, introducción a Jetstream Livewire e Inerta desde cero - 2025.

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