We already know how to use the keyboard events in Flame at the class and component level, now, as a challenge, adapt the previous code and, in addition to the arrows, you can use the w (up), d (right), s keys (below) and a (left).
Resolution challenge
To add the typical WASD keys in our script, we can do a simple conditional with an OR:
bool onKeyEvent(
RawKeyEvent event,
Set<LogicalKeyboardKey> keysPressed,
) {
if (keysPressed.contains(LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowUp) ||
keysPressed.contains(LogicalKeyboardKey.keyW)) {
position = Vector2(centerX, centerY--);
} else if (keysPressed.contains(LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowDown) ||
keysPressed.contains(LogicalKeyboardKey.keyS)) {
position = Vector2(centerX, centerY++);
} else if (keysPressed.contains(LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowRight) ||
keysPressed.contains(LogicalKeyboardKey.keyD)) {
position = Vector2(centerX++, centerY);
} else if (keysPressed.contains(LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowLeft) ||
keysPressed.contains(LogicalKeyboardKey.keyA)) {
position = Vector2(centerX--, centerY);
return true;
As you can see, the logic is simple, it is enough to detect the typical WASD and direction keys and move the player in the appropriate position; remember that for:
- If X is positive, it moves to the right and negative to the left.
- And if it is positive downwards and negative upwards.
- Andrés Cruz
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