In this section we will explain how to create a Target collection in Wikitude; a Target collection is nothing more than a collection of Targets; a Target is the destination image that will be used by the Tracker to recognize an image.
In this post we will explain how to create a Target collection in Wikitude.
What is the Target Collection?
A Target collection is nothing more than a collection of Targets; a Target is the destination image that will be used by the Tracker to recognize an image.
Creating our first Target Collection
Now let's proceed to create our Target collection; for that we go to the following link:
- Click on the Add project option.

- We give our project a name and press the Create button.

- Click on our project.
- Now we drag (drag and drop) the images to our project; which must be PNG (without transparent pixels) or JPG.

- We created our Target collection; for that we clicked the images that formed the same.

- We give it a name and click on Generate target collection.

- It will show us a message like the following; click on the Go to overview option and download our target collection.

Star range
In point 6 we see that Wikitude classifies the images that we have uploaded according to a range; let's see what it means:
- 0 stars: Not suitable for tracking and therefore this image cannot be tracked.
- 1 Stars: Image provides limited tracking ability.
- 2 and 3 stars: They offer a good tracking capacity.
General tips for images
- Preferably use images with various textures with a high level of contrast; you can also increase the contrast to the image with some image editor like gimp.
- Avoid images with large sections of solid colors or soft color transitions or repeating patterns.

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