Create your first game in Unreal Engine 5 - Rotating the platform with rotation movement 3

We will see how we can implement a Blueprint that can rotate on its own axis using the rotation movement component.

Hello everyone My name is Andrs Cruz and remember that Im showing you here a little bit about how the video game is made up I hope that at some point it will be the video game that I want to create my first video game here in real life which I hope at some point will be commercial meaning that I can sell it etc and so on

So here I am showing you a little bit of the platforms that I have implemented I am going to show you this one that is very simple it is also a rotation one I am going to drag it over here I am going to delete this one and lets go there I am going to hit play I am going to show you again how it works and then I will tell you what I did and it is simply a platform that rotates which is really quite complicated because precisely if I place for example I want to jump on that surface right now it goes slow Well I cant get there It is a little bit far away but I can speed up the rotation time or I can create another one Suppose to get here I have to have another one here rotating so it is a little bit complicated really right now because it is rotating slowly but here I can modify it If this thing stops opening here always the Word settings here Remember that I implemented this myself and here I put what the rotation is Here I put 90 If I put 180 as you can imagine it will go twice as fast and I would love to create a game on this because this would be to vomit A surface like this Here you can see that it is much more complicated I could not even jump So thats another platform so you can do whatever you want there as I implemented it very easily I really didnt have to do almost anything because we already have something created there


Remember that here in details you can see the blueprint and we click here to edit and here we have the definition that in my case I called it eh bp From blueprint platform rotation here Well I called it mesh I usually put platform here we have the root and the only thing I did was add a component called rotation mov that is to say here we click on app we look for rotation and here we have rotation mov and or as it is pronounced there are little words that are difficult for me what it does is determine how much it is going to rotate how it determines it precisely by that variable that I exposed and that we have here Well notice that I modified it from here here in the Viewport I did nothing I simply added in this case a square I mean a cube Sorry here we have it and I flattened it here we can see the scale I placed it in two 3 and 02 to have the following figure here here I did nothing and here it is very simple if I simply brought here the rotation mof component sorry Here is the rotation mofem and I created a variable here which is the rotation Z which is simply the float that via Santa that I modified from 90 to 180 and here I have the default value of 90 and I put it here as editable And from here again drag this thing also the variable of type get so that it is only of type read the vin Place almost always for this type of platforms the one that is used since we only want this approach the first time we run the game and here basically place the axis in which you want to rotate in this case is the Z that is why it remains rotating there on its axis and this is what you can see I simply modified the rotation mov in base which is the target based on the value that we are placing here and this is practically everything good This is what they say The star is the rotation rate you get this from here Remember that There are certain nodes that you can only get from certain components if here I get it from here I write rotation here we have rotation rate that is what it is called that it indicates how much it is really going to rotate it is like the speed I had initially understood it that it was towards where it was going to rotate that it was going to rotate nothing more 90 gr but its like the speed it does is done per second I didnt really look for sure what it does But it has to be that because if I put 90 and go to 180 it goes twice as fast then it must be the amount that it will rotate per second or something like that anyway it is something very visual then you adapt it to your needs and that is basically it Remember that this node only comes out here from the rotation movement since I look for it here here it is not rotation which was one of the confusions that I sometimes had at the beginning that I wanted to get a node I saw a course in a video there and I didnt know why it didnt come out and it was because it was not being dragged by the component that was going to implement it Remember that in the end all of these are a kind of instances of classes or classes and you can only access certain functions or certain attributes from an instance in question as you are seeing here and it is basically that rotation Here it is then Good that easy you can implement a platform that rotates and obviously the scope of this like the one we saw previously the previous ones is infinite and it all depends on your imagination So see you in another video


Plataforma rotar

- Andrés Cruz

En español

Andrés Cruz

Develop with Laravel, Django, Flask, CodeIgniter, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, JavaScript, Vue, Android, iOS, Flutter

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