Weekly Update Dec 9-Dec 16 - Testing Inertia Livewire, Native JS Vue App Academia, Flutter FAB+

Vue Upload Laravel, Mobile and Web Academy App, Alpine ToDo and ref, FAB position in Flutter, Native JS and Vue Courses and Books Testing ToDo and upload in Inertia, Step-by-step testing Livewire. Blog Life and damage system in Unreal

Hello everyone and Merry Christmas. I'm here to talk to you about the updates on all the content I've uploaded for the week of December 9th to December 16th. So, getting started.


As always for the videos uploaded on the YouTube channel here we have the updates from last week here we also have

A couple of videos to close the section of the videos of the old Laravel course that is for uploading files using Oruga Vue laravel and the restapi that connects both frameworks

Here we also have a couple of promotional videos that are for you to know the Academia application that would be the website that I always present to you here in an exemplified way for various things and also its mobile version that I developed with flurer that would be the other video that we have here

We also have what is the todolist application with alpin, that is, I am uploading little by little you have already been able to appreciate several videos about Alpine to learn alpine js and this would be to develop the todolist application, one of the functionalities that would be the search field, the local one obviously, that is, on the client

We also have here the x-ref so that you know how it works with alpine

Continuing here with the references of html elements, what does this do, you can reference an html element as if it were through the Native javascript DOM or Vanila avascript

Here we also have a personal video that is to include native javascript in Vue although it could also be used which is I forgot to comment on the ref for the example that I was telling you about in this video I could not use it because it was an html block that I had in the database therefore it is not part of the component in Vue so I directly had to use Native javascript or Vanila javascript selectors

This last video that I have here that is to be able to vary the positions of a floating button in Flutter of course, that is, place it in the center right or left there I show you a couple of ways.

Now with this we finish the updates on the YouTube channel

Courses and Books

Now we are going to move on to the updates at the level of the courses and books in the future, starting here with liveware, in which we are already closing what is the course and the book, although we are starting the last section, which would be for the integration tests, here we begin with what is the dashboard, as always, here we continue with the dashboard for the tests for the posts and some additional assertions, since we duplicated it from the categories, then for the post, which is a more complex entity, we take the opportunity to add some additional assertion methods, and from here we are already in the step by step, which is what I am still developing to date, which would obviously be starting in step one, the get method, then we send the request, that is, it would be the post in any other technology, in this case it is a request or an action as if it were a javascript, the click event through the form's submit, and the rest of the steps, which would be the second step exactly the same, in this case we did everything, really, this would not go, we implemented the factories for each of the steps and to be able to generate that test data to be able to test the rest of the steps, which would be the person and the detail here. We also learned to use the dispatch assertion method which is to be able to evaluate parameters and events and we began with the editing part for the step by step and from here on for the Laravel inertia course and book I am finally finishing it I am going to close the course I think that tomorrow I will finish it if everything goes well we continue with the integration tests in which we are testing the last module which would be the todol list application as you can see we are already in the part we have already completed the CRUD so we are in marking the everything completed or incomplete as it is pronounced or as it is said order them all do the tests for this validation errors Download test now at this point we have already closed it and I wanted to add some additional tests already breaking a little the flow that we had that were missing which was for the upload part, that is to say the upload of files for which we can also create some tests then here we learn several little things here I duplicated this the basic upload for the create phase in this case it is associated with the post and here we also have to check that the previous image that the image previous one has been deleted when we are uploading the new image, that is, the post with an image already has it configured, then we upload another one and it is assumed that the previous image has to be deleted since we are not going to use it. So then we did a test for exactly that and that would be practically all for here and the coupon of the week.

Integración con Livewire - Pruebas

  1. Dashboard: Pruebas para el Post

    1. Crearemos las pruebas para el post, partiendo de las pruebas de las categorías.

  2. Dashboard: Pruebas para el Post, aserciones adicionales

    1. Vamos a implementar algunos métodos de aserciones adicionales.

  3. Paso por Paso: Primer paso, Get

    1. Vamos a crear las pruebas para el primer paso del formulario paso por paso, el get.

  4. Paso por Paso: Primer paso, enviar petición

    1. Vamos a crear las pruebas para el primer paso del formulario paso por paso, el post.

  5. Paso por Paso: Segundo paso, Company, Get

    1. Vamos a crear las pruebas para el segundo paso del formulario paso por paso, el get.

  6. Implementar Factories para los pasos

    1. Implementamos los facades de los pasos por pasos.

  7. Paso por Paso: Segundo paso, Company, enviar petición

    1. Vamos a crear las pruebas para el segundo paso del formulario paso por paso, enviar el evento.

  8. Paso por Paso: Segundo paso, Person

    1. Vamos a crear las pruebas para el segundo paso del formulario paso por paso, el de personas el GET y enviar petición.

  9. Paso por Paso: Tercer paso, Detail

    1. Vamos a crear las pruebas para el tercer paso del formulario paso por paso, GET y enviar petición.

  10. assertDispatched para Step

    1. Presentamos un nuevo método de aserción para evaluar parámetros de los eventos despachados.

  11. Paso por Paso: Primer paso, Editar, Get

    1. Vamos a crear las pruebas para el primer paso del formulario paso por paso, para editar.

  12. Paso por Paso: Segundo paso, Company


Integración con Inertia - Pruebas

  1. Todo: In/Completado

    1. Vamos a crear las pruebas para probar si el To Do fueron in/completados.

  2. Todo: Reorden

    1. Vamos a implementar la prueba para probar la reordenación.

  3. Todo: Error de validación

    1. Vamos a implementar la prueba para errores de validación en el nombre del todo.

  4. Prueba para upload

    1. Vamos a realizar una prueba para conocer el upload.


  6. Prueba para upload: Crear

    1. Vamos a realizar una prueba para conocer el upload al momento de crear un post.

  7. Prueba para upload: Imagen eliminada

    1. Vamos a realizar una prueba para verificar si se elimina la imagen anterior el upload.


As for the blog, more or less the same thing here I also have specific content for the new YouTube channel which is for the development of video games in this case it is to implement a damage and health system obviously in a ryal 5 and more or less the same as I was telling you in this case it is for the part of including Ja
native in View the drac Dr in View there I explain how you can implement the xre of alpin as I told you before seitor to create custom keyboard events the conditionals in alpin and I think that with this we already close the week So nothing more to say see you next week

- Andrés Cruz

En español

Andrés Cruz

Develop with Laravel, Django, Flask, CodeIgniter, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, JavaScript, Vue, Android, iOS, Flutter

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