Selection tests or code completion vs Video tests

OPINION - In this video I will talk about why I consider that tests or challenges carried out in videos are better than a selection exam or completing code.

I wanted to quickly talk here about a topic that in my opinion gets a little bit heavy in a good way, it is with the part of coding exercises or questionnaires, etc. Right now we are going to see a little bit what this is but that is always recommended, for example to me. Well, to me as an instructor so that I can implement the courses, for example to me in the last year and a half I think he has posted like three of these messages, one that they changed the style, another that they incorporated new features and now that it comes with the AI, so in my opinion it is something that they do not use as much, especially those of old courses. But he places a lot of emphasis on this instead of, in my personal opinion, investing resources in innovating in other things that I have already given my opinion and I believe that I am not wrong in that they invest like in very specific things that for me again do not make as much sense and what's more, I do not use them because I prefer a little the methodology that I already use, which I will go into detail on this in a moment, but well, it is my opinion again.

Courses that use questions and answers

To see if most people think like me, not to say most content creators, we can come here to the Udemy page and search here for some courses and see how they are. Since here in the detail when we open it there appear well several characteristics among them what would be the articles, coding exercises, etc. then Well here I am going to open these that are over here Well this is mine, I am not going to open it and this blessed window is very annoying this too Well these are old courses is what appears to me right now yes before doing this I saw one, I am going to open Here also one by Fernando Herrera Right now I did some search and if some that had them appeared But let's review them a little, this one for example shows you the typical hours, downloadable resources and well this is the normal jargon that you can use it from anywhere, lifetime access and certificate of completion Well but we see that it has nothing, this one has well articles, this is html, it does not count downloadable things, well if it has some tasks, we would have to see how many, okay this one has nothing, the same, nothing, no resources to load this one Neither This one is not from Fernando Herrera either and I am not going to try to find one that is available because I just saw them and closed it.

Few courses with tests

But in the same way, be careful, I'm not saying that nobody uses them, but that those I refer to don't use them as much because it's a bit hateful, as I have given my opinion in several previous videos that ultimately I do not recommend investing so much time in Udemy and to create this type of resources you have to invest a lot of time and that is precisely it. If you are not successful in sales then it really is not worth investing so much time in this because this platform does not generate as many profits.

Pasos para crear una prueba

Let's see here quickly to see how it works, what we have to do to create these resources, I'm going to wait here 10,000 years for this to load well, it's already loaded, well again here with the blessed exercises here and when I hit create I have several little things, reading which is to add a normal class or html And we have these, for example, we're going to go with a coding exercise, here I put a title, we click here Add exercise, here we click on edit, it's not very user-friendly, here we have to select the technology, the version, and well here you can already see that there are several steps that we have to take, that is to say. to create a single exercise we have to invest some time in this because it is not so it is not so automatic I do not think there is a way to make it automatic either But the point is that I want to get to it again that given how really the vision that at least I have of Emi and I think that many have it precisely because of the palette of courses that are always the same I do not see much worth or purpose of this type of schemes in which instead of for example because the time that you invest here in creating a coding exercise Let's say that it can be 5 or 10 minutes I consider that it is better to create a class to go deeper into a subject then You could ask yourself but well but how can people, that is to say the people who are consuming these courses measure their knowledge Well what I do which is also what Fernando Herrera does who is one of the few of the few people that I buy courses here that I have not bought any of his for a while because he also moves a lot to the javascript part and I am more than anything from the backend but not with javascript and again it is a bit of the vision that I also see that he has or at least until where I left it since I also see other courses here but they are another topic and not even these use that type of features, this for example is with Blender.

I'd rather spend the time creating a test on a new video

Dora the Explorer's Technician

It is simply when you see that this keyboard appears which is the one you are seeing on the screen that indicates that there is a small challenge that you have to solve. I am thinking of changing it for Dora the explorer since she also follows a similar philosophy in which even if it is funny you indicate what the person has to do, you give a time obviously the person is going to pose the video and has to do the exercise. So what do I really do when you see those keyboards there those hands with the letters that in the future could be Dora over here, suppose that I am teaching here something with the routes, I the routes in Laravel I say that there are different types of routes get post put p delete etcetera and the only thing I say is that look you change the name of the method then here we create a get type route if I want to create a post type route to do a form processing whatever and explained I have explained it again said that the name of the method corresponds to if by with the name of the Http request that is to say if we wanted to create a post how would it be and precisely at that point eye that you can that it is not the best example, what I just came up with, I tell the person to take this as an exercise, then The idea is that the person pauses it, pauses the class, comes here and based on what is explained, he tries to work, therefore This is a simpler way, more direct and for me more friendly and also less black box so that the person who is watching the course can interact with it, that is, at this paused point, he has to try if it is called the same, here one called post has to appear and for the rest, I have already explained How is this that here we place the URI and here we place the callback, he has to finish doing the exercise, I prefer to do this type of interaction since one first does not leave, as they say, the course, that is, you are not changing screens two for one, it is much simpler to do it than to be creating our resources through this blessed window that again this takes a lot of time and I prefer to take advantage of that time to create courses, well, classes to explain about the technology that I am creating here.

You have to maximize your time when managing the course because if not, you spend your whole life here and then what happens to me happens to you, which I have already explained in other videos.

The black box scheme of questions

So that's not what I see as the advantage that I see in my scheme or the scheme that I just explained to you. That's what I call a black box, this is obviously going to give you either a questionnaire because in the end all this is more or less the same, whether it's a questionnaire or an exercise, a coding exercise, too, it's more or less the same, in which it's going to be explained to the person what they have to do, either again through a questionnaire or through an exercise that they have to complete, an explanation is given or whatever, it's given, as they say, the input and it's the same person who has to start interacting with that, that is, they don't have any fig pad that is either true, that is, they passed the test or they didn't pass it, so again it's a black box and you have the input there you have the presentation, the person puts their answer and the only interaction they have is either true or false and there's not a step in between, that is, obviously if this were the exercise and the person has some problem, suppose that:

  1. I got to this post type route. Then he advanced the video a little bit. He sees that I am going to write here. Look, we created the post type route here. Then, Ah, well, he saw that that was the method that I didn't put it in. For example, in case he made a mistake, he paused it again.
  2. He continues with the exercise, which is what it is about, so here you have several steps.
  3. You have, as they say, several small feedbacks that the person can assimilate and little by little he completes the exercise.

Last words

Since again. This example that I gave you is quite simple but it is usually a little more complex, for example when I say at the beginning that we create the crud for the posts then you have to create the one for the categories it is something a little more interesting therefore for example they are the task resolution is much longer about 10 minutes for example but it has the focus that I am indicating to you that it is not in a black box not so closed you have several small feedback throughout in which again if the user the person who is watching the video gets stuck or freezes he can start to see the video a little and as he watches it look here was where I got stuck therefore there you have that, that, that feedback pause the video again continue the exercise if it gets stuck again go back to the video continue consuming it and so on until the exercise is finished something that you cannot do with this type of schemes eye it is my opinion eh I simply say it from my own experience and also again from how the platform works because to do this again it is extremely slow and well I simply wanted to share it But of course I am open to recommendations And in case, for example, I'm missing something, feel free to comment here in a nice way, so nothing more to say, see you in another video.

- Andrés Cruz

En español

Andrés Cruz

Develop with Laravel, Django, Flask, CodeIgniter, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, JavaScript, Vue, Android, iOS, Flutter

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