My reasons why I do not include Books and Courses in the same purchase or Pack
I'll tell you about how I organize myself to get so much content, courses, and books out.
I wanted to quickly comment on a comment that I see I receive a lot especially on Udemy since the people who buy my courses at Academia since it is a slightly more personal topic usually Well they already know me a little more about how I work and usually they dont ask me this but here those who are on Udem are always a little more isolated from what the contact refers to so I make a video because already This has been asked to me several times and in the same way I would like to at least have a video here that I can later share in case someone doesnt fully understand me and they ask me something if this which is where I can always download Word or the PDF that they refer to is the book Remember that for about 3 years 2 years now I started a new modality in which when I am recording the course I am always here referencing what is the content that I have here in the book I do this for various reasons and right now I will explain it to you but
What do I use books for when I record courses
For example when I start a new class we are going to create the migrations So I tell you Look we are going to create the migrations here we are going to create these four this one works for such a thing this one for such a thing this one for such a thing I will quickly explain to you what each of the attributes that we are going to define is well each of the characteristics that we are going to define the tables and everything else And from there we take here about 2 minutes and we go to practice this I do this to emphasize and so that I understand more clearly what I am saying that is to say instead of showing you here an ugly black screen in which nothing is implemented and I start talking about a lot of guns here I can show you in a more visual way what it is that we are going to implement in case also at some point I make a mistake or you see that I can make a mistake or you consider that I wrote it wrong you can go back quickly to check here apart you have another reference I dont know I find it much more pleasant to do it this way Because you have a visual aid here the books at the course level I always use it is as if it were a slide Only that It is a much more useful slide because it contains content that is an approach that I give it
Talking about theory
The other approach that I give that I dont use as much because Im not very theoretical but its when I have to present some technical or more theoretical topic for example dango Channel is the one that occurs to me the most right now that it is a technology that has many layers for what would be the websocket type communication with the asgi type server as you can see there are many little things so there it can help me a little more to go pointing out point by point and go a little deeper into the explanation thats more than anything for what I use it I never copy and paste in the courses they have never complained to me luckily but well Im going to wait for the first one to copy something from here to then replicate it simply this I use it as a slide and obviously also as background there as who says
Smart promotion
Another intention or in the end that can also be interpreted with another intention which is a form of promotion that they have not criticized either and I hope it continues like this because as I told you the main focus is the one I was telling you before But obviously in a certain way I am here as if to say promoting this content that has been that of the books from the level of the courses when I record it That is how it is it is really I believe that it is an Even if you are an intelligent publicity because in the end it is also useful to you for what was commented previously but the point that I want to get to is that
The book is NOT required for the courses
The book is not necessary to follow the courses you can see Any course On platforms like udemy there are times that they are accompanied by a PDF Although it is something very specific to a particular topic but I think I dare to say never Or at least I do not know of any case in which you are going to share in writing 100 of the content of the course since again the content that I have written here in the book is the same that I put here at the level of the courses that is why sometimes it is very simple for me to record classes and take out the new content and this is already something that I had
Two formats one product Book and course
Talked about previously but there are two formats that we have or that I have available one is at the video level which is the good thing as you are seeing me right now on the screen and another is at the written level which is what I call the book but they are exclusive I do not sell them or they do not come in packages especially when it comes to courses on Udemy
I cant give more content than I give for what I earn on Udemy
In Udemy you know that I earn a small percentage of the sale therefore it is practically impossible for me Well here is a comment that I had told you excuse the redundancy you have to hide their names and such In case someone feels offended or mentioned by something then I preferred to hide it here but again for me already going back to what I have already explained a little why it is not necessary and what I use it for I think the next point I had to talk about is why I do not offer it no matter what with the book If again you already know me a little and you have already seen my previous videos or some about me the comments that I make about the Udemy platform I think you can know what I am going to say The reason is a little obvious without meaning to offend anyone and it is that I earn a small percentage of the sale in Udemy that is to say if I sell the course here for 0 something like that usually I have a dollar and a half half a dollar sometimes a little more sometimes a little less it all depends on the platform It all depends on the currency because well the last time Im not checking the numbers too much for mental health reasons because I dont really do anything with that its a masochism but the times that I checked it for example when I bought in Mexico it came to me like 6 more or less if it was 999 I dont know why the conversion was there and from there they eat a conversion and from there what was 60 70 80 that was left from me then I was left practically Ah a pittance for a sale of a complete course and remember that my courses are also very long on average and I dare say that they are at least 30 hours but for example this one on CodeIgniter has 40 the one on Laravel the previous one has more than 70 hours the new one has already exceeded 70 or is about to exceed it they are very long content that is more than justified for the price so I also accompany it with a PDF which I understand that many people would like because it is a written reference a more direct reference that is to say all the benefits that the books have that I already mentioned in another video eh it is practically impossible for me so it is basically that since I cannot give away my work either if I am making an additional effort which is an additional effort to make this content that is much more complicated or much more tedious much more time consuming is simply recording a video it is practically impossible for me to give it away because that would be the word for what was mentioned before since in what is referred to in quotes the purchase is already enough for me to be able to add even more material so well that was the only thing I wanted to comment on but I have there as who says for this type of people although I have not yet handled it on Udemy that they want to buy a resource from me They have already bought another one from me previously
DISCOUNTS on academy
I have a section where you can possibly get a better discount based on what you have purchased but I will tell you about it in the following video
- Andrés Cruz

Develop with Laravel, Django, Flask, CodeIgniter, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, JavaScript, Vue, Android, iOS, Flutter