En español

Laravel, like CodeIgniter, is an open source framework for PHP that is used to develop web applications. It was created by Taylor Otwell in 2011, it is an extremely robust framework with a large number of features and is the reference when it comes to PHP frameworks, including web; Thanks to all this, it has gained great popularity.

Laravel has a large community, recurring updates and an immense amount of functionalities and integrations, it is one of the few web frameworks that can connect with other technologies directly such as Node, when creating a project in Laravel, a project is also linked in Node and therefore, we can use Laravel on the server side and Node on the client side along with the immense number of plugins and technologies.

Ultimately, Laravel is highly customizable and extensible, which means you can add custom features and functionality to the application.

We can present Laravel in various ways, using Apache, Docker, Nginx, a local development server, among others.

Model, View and Controller

Laravel is not a pure MVC, since we have several ways of presenting views and controllers, using components or anonymous functions; Even so, it preserves the classic scheme for MVC that we can take as the entry point when starting with the framework.

  • The model is used to interact with the database, it is the only layer and the only way we have to connect to the database, a model is nothing more than a class whose structure is a copy or mirror of a table and is Use this class to interact with the database and be able to retrieve, create, update or delete records.
  • The controller is used to handle user requests, that is, each controller has at least one route associated with it and is responsible for carrying out the strong part and where the business logic and structure of the project itself is implemented, it is the component used to connect to the database through the previous layer and send the data to the view.
  • The view is used to show the data to the user, here are the forms, lists, details views, etc., it is the presentation layer and is only responsible for showing the data, in Laravel, this layer is PHP files that are then processed by the framework when making a query and generating HTML, which is what is finally returned as a response.

Guide to take the first steps with Laravel

We have a block of posts in which we work taking the first steps with Laravel, we know the details to work with Laravel, its ecosystem that has been Laragon to develop apps on Windows in a comfortable and easy way, creating the first components through artisan, which is the command line that Laravel offers us to take the first steps.

What are Laravel packages and how to install them

What are Laravel packages and how to install them

We are going to learn what packages in Laravel consist of and how we can install it using composer.

Know the current version of your Laravel 6 and update

Know the current version of your Laravel 6 and update

Let's learn how we can know which version of Laravel we are working with and how to update to a higher version.

Preparing the Windows development environment to develop apps in Laravel with Laragon

Preparing the Windows development environment to develop apps in Laravel with Laragon

We are going to talk and install the necessary ecosystem to be able to develop applications in Laravel using Windows and Laragon for this purpose.

We were also like starting to develop our first applications in Laravel, taking the first steps and knowing fundamental elements in Laravel such as the use of controllers, routes, models, views and forms.

Quick first steps to create our first application with Laravel 6

We are going to take the first steps with Laravel 6, we are going to talk about its installation, the configuration of the ecosystem in Windows and generate our first project and explain the directory and file structure of Laravel.

Preparing the Windows development environment to develop apps in Laravel with Laragon

Preparing the Windows development environment to develop apps in Laravel with Laragon

We are going to talk and install the necessary ecosystem to be able to develop applications in Laravel using Windows and Laragon for this purpose.

Using Queues and Jobs to postpone Tasks in Laravel

Using Queues and Jobs to postpone Tasks in Laravel

In this entry we are going to learn about the use of Queues and Jobs in Laravel (Queues and Jobs) to be able to perform jobs in the background.

Creating our first route and configuring our URLs in Laravel 7

Creating our first route and configuring our URLs in Laravel 7

We are going to learn how to use routes in Laravel in a basic way, their structure and how we can use routes to create simple functions that return texts and views.

Connect to a database

Of course, we also have posts on working with MySQL as the database engine par excellence, explaining its configuration and taking the first steps:

Creating and consuming our first POST route form in Laravel

Creating and consuming our first POST route form in Laravel

We are going to learn how to process a form in Laravel in a basic way, submit it, consume the data from a function and display a response page.

Creating and connecting to our database in MySQL using the .env file in Laravel

Creating and connecting to our database in MySQL using the .env file in Laravel

In this entry we will see how we can connect a Laravel project to a database, for example MySQL; although we can connect to other types of databases such as SQL Server, PostgreSQL.

Essential functions in Laravel, of course, we have A LOT of functions that we can do in Laravel and that this framework provides us for free; How many times have you needed to create a page for a list, be it a database or anything else? Well, in Laravel it is easy to do something like this:

How to Export files in Excel format with Laravel Excel

How to Export files in Excel format with Laravel Excel

In this entry we are going to see how we can generate an Excel file using Laravel, for this we are going to use a package that will greatly facilitate this entire process.

Essential libraries for Laravel

We also have a post so you know how to do certain very interesting operations with Laravel, since if you know a little about Laravel, you will well know that we have many functional components that we can use either directly or not; for example, export data sources from a model to an Excel:

Manual and custom pagination in Laravel (without Eloquent)

Manual and custom pagination in Laravel (without Eloquent)

We are going to know how we can establish manual pagination on a group of elements using Laravel with the Paginator and LengthAwarePaginator classes

How to Export files in Excel format with Laravel Excel

How to Export files in Excel format with Laravel Excel

In this entry we are going to see how we can generate an Excel file using Laravel, for this we are going to use a package that will greatly facilitate this entire process.

Of course, for this we have to install it as if it were a package for composer:

Know the current version of your Laravel 6 and update

Know the current version of your Laravel and update

Let's learn how we can know which version of Laravel we are working with and how to update to a higher version.

The Gates in Laravel which allow managing user authorization, that is, to indicate which parts of the system users can enter based on imposed rules:


Spatie Laravel-Permission is a package to manage user permissions based on open source roles that is used with Laravel, with this, we can assign and have complete role management to users:


There are many operations that we should know about Laravel, one of them is to optimize queries, for this, the use of the cache comes in handy:


The use of helper functions is essential to carry out a good organization in our project and to be able to reuse functions easily:


Laravel is a framework that is always quite active with new versions every week, many times in order to install the latest version of the framework, it is necessary to have the latest version of the Laravel installer, so update it:


A Rest Api are essential systems today to be able to communicate systems, being able to protect them through authentication is essential, in Laravel, we have Sanctum:


Course and Book to master Laravel

Laravel is a fascinating framework, immense and with a somewhat high learning curve if it is the first framework of this type that you are going to face.

Laravel offers us several schemes to do the same; a web application; through an MVC that is no longer so due to so many different paths you can take; and therefore, the purpose of what is written here; so that your path to learning this framework is less steep and easier to follow.

Laravel is a great framework that you can use to create truly real and scalable applications over time; When you start working with Laravel you will realize the enormous amounts of components and functions that the framework has; Whatever is not an official part of the framework, there is surely a package that allows you to solve said requirement; and, what Laravel does not allow you to do on the client side, you can use Node (and its enormous ecosystem), with any package that works on the client side.

Laravel is a great framework that you can use to create truly real and scalable applications over time; When you start working with Laravel you will realize the enormous amounts of components and functions that the framework has; Whatever is not an official part of the framework, there is surely a package that allows you to solve said requirement; and, what Laravel does not allow you to do on the client side, you can use Node (and its enormous ecosystem), with any package that works on the client side.

  1. Vue
  2. React
  3. Angular

The course and book is aimed at anyone who wants to start developing with Laravel, although it is not recommended for those people who have not worked with other PHP frameworks. If this is your case, I advise you to first learn and practice with similar frameworks, but simpler ones, as is the case of CodeIgniter 4, of which I have many resources that can help you get into this world of PHP frameworks, on my website you will find more information.

Laravel is an advanced framework, although in the book I do everything possible to keep development simple, remember you can practice with similar frameworks, such as CodeIgniter, for which I also have a book and a course; which is ideal to know a framework to take the first steps with this type of technologies, since Laravel tends to have a higher learning curve as it has more components and more abstraction when using them.

For those who want to know the framework and who know other similar frameworks in PHP, but do not have the necessary knowledge to venture into these because they do not know the bases that support them.

For those people who want to learn something new, learn about a framework that, although it has a lot of documentation, most of it is in English and since the framework is constantly evolving, it tends to become outdated.

For people who want to improve a skill in web development, who want to grow as a developer and who want to continue climbing their path with other frameworks superior to this one; As long as you identify with at least some of the points noted above, this book or course is for you.

If you are interested in this premium content, you can check the Courses and Books links in the navbar of this site.


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