Use two decimals in the number type input, ideal for prices

- Andrés Cruz

En español

Use two decimals in the number type input, ideal for prices

Many times we have a text field which we want to represent a price or ultimately a numerical value with a decimal part; for that we use the step attribute.

Many times we have a text field which we want to represent a price or ultimately a numerical value with a decimal part; if you are up to date with HTML5, you know that you can define a field of type number

Tengo un <input type = "number">

The problem is, it will only accept integer numbers; If you want a decimal part, which is our goal, you have to define the step parameter, to indicate the interval; in our case, we want it to be two decimal places:


If you wanted, for example, 3



<input type = "number" step=".01">
Andrés Cruz

Develop with Laravel, Django, Flask, CodeIgniter, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, JavaScript, Vue, Android, iOS, Flutter

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