How to change the contrast of an image with HTML5?

- Andrés Cruz

En español

How to change the contrast of an image with HTML5?

In this article we will see how to increase or reduce the contrast of an image with HTML5; We will also talk a little about what the process would be like to increase the brightness of an image; which is a similar case.

These are some of the methods, technologies and concepts that will be used to carry out the development of this exercise:

  • Canvas: To use it as a canvas and draw an image.
  • getImageData(): Allows you to obtain data about the image drawn on the Canvas (ImageData):
    • ImageData.width: Width in pixels of the ImageData.
    • ImageData.height: Height in pixels of the ImageData.
    • ImageData.resolution: The pixel density of the image.
    • One-dimensional array containing the data in RGBA (in that order), with integers between 0-255; represents the colors that make up the image drawn on the Canvas; in other
    • words; the values of the pixels that make up the image drawn on the Canvas.
    • img.onload: Event that appears once the image has been loaded.

The contrast formula

It is beyond the scope of this article to define contrast to its full extent; However, we can define contrast as a variation of intensities that allows increasing the luminosity between the dark and light areas of an image, allowing better focus and clarity of the image; the formula used at the pixel level will be the following:

valorNuevo = ( valorAnterior - 128) * tan(ángulo) + 128


  • previousvalue: It is the original value of a pixel in the image.
  • angle: We calculate the angle as: Math.tan(val * Math.PI / 180.0);
    • val: The value of the range type field managed by the user.

You can get more information about the formula at the following link: Generation Imagenes.

Defining the HTML

First we will need a Canvas; which we will use as a canvas to paint an image and be able to manipulate it at the pixel level:

<canvas id="canvas">
	<p>Tu navegador no soporta Canvas.</p>

A range field (type="range") to easily increase and decrease contrast:

<input type="range" id="contrast" min="-90" max="90" step="5" value="0">

Defining JavaScript

Global variables:

	var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');// canvas
	var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); // contexto
	var contrast = document.getElementById("contrast");// input de tipo rango
	var srcImg = "image.png";// imagen fuente

First it is necessary to create an object of type image to which a source image is established that will be used to paint it on the Canvas with the drawImage() method:

	// nueva imagen
	img = new Image();
	img.src = srcImg;

	img.onload = function() {
		// reescalamos el canvas a las dimenciones de la imagen
		canvas.width = img.width;
		canvas.height = img.height;
		// dibujamos la imagen en el Canvas
		ctx.drawImage(this, 0, 0);

The following function allows you to increase the contrast of the image painted on the Canvas:

	// aumenta el contraste
	function AddContrast(val) {

		//combino la formula para obtener el contraste con el valor obtenido del elemento ranges
		var contrast = Math.tan(val * Math.PI / 180.0);

		// reescalamos el canvas a las dimenciones de la imagen
		canvas.width = img.width;
		canvas.height = img.height;
		// dibujamos la imagen en el Canvas
		ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
		// obtenemos el ImageData
		var imgd = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
		var pix =;
		// cambiamos el contraste
		for (var i = 0, n = pix.length; i < n; i += 4) {
			//incremento los valores rojo, verde y azul de cada pixel
			pix[i] = rangeColor(128 + (pix[i] - 128) * contrast);
			pix[i + 1] = rangeColor(128 + (pix[i + 1] - 128) * contrast);
			pix[i + 2] = rangeColor(128 + (pix[i + 2] - 128) * contrast);
		// retornamos la data modificada al Canvas
		ctx.putImageData(imgd, 0, 0);

Analyzing the previous function...

We create an object of type Image and assign it a source image.

img = new Image();
img.src = srcImg;

We obtain the imageData from the Canvas and operate at the pixel level with the

// obtenemos el ImageData var imgd = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); var pix =;

Finally we alter the pixel values by adding contrast to the image to the pixels in its RGB notation:

        for (var i = 0, n = pix.length; i < n; i += 4) {
            //incremento los valores rojo, verde y azul de cada pixel
            pix[i] = rangeColor(128 + (pix[i] - 128) * contrast);
            pix[i + 1] = rangeColor(128 + (pix[i + 1] - 128) * contrast);
            pix[i + 2] = rangeColor(128 + (pix[i + 2] - 128) * contrast);

To ensure that the color does not go out of the range 0-255 we use the following function:

// valida que el color este en un rango valido function rangeColor(pix) {    if (pix < 0)        pix = 0;    if (pix > 255)        pix = 255;    return pix; }

The bright

As for brightness, it consists of adding a constant (K) that is in the range 0-255; so just by modifying this section of code:

        for (var i = 0, n = pix.length; i < n; i += 4) {
            //incremento los valores rojo, verde y azul de cada pixel
            pix[i] = rangeColor(128 + (pix[i] - 128) * contrast);
            pix[i + 1] = rangeColor(128 + (pix[i + 1] - 128) * contrast);
            pix[i + 2] = rangeColor(128 + (pix[i + 2] - 128) * contrast);

For this other:

        for (var i = 0, n = pix.length; i < n; i += 4) {
            //cambio los valores rojo, verde y azul de cada pixel
            pix[i] = rangeColor(pix[i] + K);
            pix[i + 1] = rangeColor(pix[i + 1] + K);
            pix[i + 2] = rangeColor(pix[i + 2] + K);

You can easily change the brightness of an image with just HTML5; The constant K can be obtained from a range type field as in the case of the contrast:

<input type="range" id="brightness" min="0" max="255" step="1" value="0">

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