Week Update 19A 26A Questions on Udemy New Channel Unreal Engine CRUD Inertia and


Hello everyone welcome to another week and Im going to show you as always all the updates I made for that week starting as always with YouTube So here we go

The first thing is here the part of the prices in udemy I continue talking a little about Emi or again it is my perspective it is simply a platform with which I have been working for many years and I want to give my perspective to people in case Well it helps them and they know how I see it and obviously from there draw your own conclusions if not I get tired of saying this is not that I am fighting or anything but It is simply some constructive criticism These are constructive criticisms that I see in this case the prices I summarize it a little but when you create a course you can set prices from 199 to 19 going through all those ranges I set them at 1999 because I do not see the point of you saying contest can be sold at 200 when they make promotions of 99 which is the cheapest from there a little bit up it does not make sense to me I never understood that but well that is how it works So no matter what if one puts the price of 1999 one Hopes that the price that they are going to set does not go over there here I also do a parenthesis and I also clarify that I am subscribed to the Udemy offers therefore they are good and feel free to set any price but no matter what I would understand or should be that the price does not exceed the price that I am setting as a base which is 1999 from there it should go down but well in the end it seems that they do not take that price into account so in the end I do not know what it is for and that is what I comment there

Well here is a small error that occurred in inertia Im not really going to talk much about it since its a little abstract but it was a message that appeared there precisely when we are configuring a link if we place it as a delete type for example then they recommend that you do some configuration here and we deal with that here Well here I finished a section for the arabil inertia the course that right now I am placing directly for the base r course and then I update in Academia what is the current course and in udemy I dont know what to do I dont know if I upload it I dont know if I only sell it through academy or whatever the hell I do but Im not going to update the current one Im going to leave that like that Im going to start with that policy now in Emi of not updating the courses so much and simply when I go to record a new one because in the end that brings me problems Because some say well they start to talk about that although the course is being updated for a long time precisely out of respect for people then some come out eh discriminating That there is previous material because again and obviously Im going to Im updating the most important part that is to say if in the new version they released three or four things Those are the ones I deal with And if the rest of the things are the same and are preserved at 100 then I dont update them For obvious reasons right now I made a cut with the Laravel course since Remember that I started the Laravel course in version 6 were going for 11 So yes I wanted to make a completely new course to renew it from scratch but thats another topic but for example Inertia which is between 9 and 10 the version I made the course in the content is almost the same but right now what I wanted to rerecord is for reasons of the new Arabel course the one Im telling you about the base so I took advantage and also updated some things here so probably if they release it on Udemy it would be a new course

Well here is also the part of the course to create a custom pagination component Well as it says we create a custom pagination component

And we continue a little with php unit a comparison between the two here again what would be a presentation of another section in this case recording for the posts with Laravel inertia here some tests with the testing environment with pest that basically So that you know a little how to work with pest and the characteristics of a project in inertia and well basically you install an Inertia project and that is what brings us here to apply validations to forms in this case it is for the basic course of Laravel there is the playlist that I am uploading from Laravel 10 which is the course that was prior to the updated one and also

This one that I just took out yesterday which is the middleware for verification of language prefixes in Spanish and English that is to say when you want to place the URL your domain sls or sln to place the language there some things that you can take there as a reference and with that we finish this part


Hello everyone welcome to another week and Im going to show you as always all the updates I made for that week starting as always with YouTube So here we go

The first thing is here the part of the prices in udemy I continue talking a little about Emi or again it is my perspective it is simply a platform with which I have been working for many years and I want to give my perspective to people in case Well it helps them and they know how I see it and obviously from there draw your own conclusions if not I get tired of saying this is not that I am fighting or anything but It is simply some constructive criticism These are constructive criticisms that I see in this case the prices I summarize it a little but when you create a course you can set prices from 199 to 19 going through all those ranges I set them at 1999 because I do not see the point of you saying contest can be sold at 200 when they make promotions of 99 which is the cheapest from there a little bit up it does not make sense to me I never understood that but well that is how it works So no matter what if one puts the price of 1999 one Hopes that the price that they are going to set does not go over there here I also do a parenthesis and I also clarify that I am subscribed to the Udemy offers therefore they are good and feel free to set any price but no matter what I would understand or should be that the price does not exceed the price that I am setting as a base which is 1999 from there it should go down but well in the end it seems that they do not take that price into account so in the end I do not know what it is for and that is what I comment there

Well here is a small error that occurred in inertia Im not really going to talk much about it since its a little abstract but it was a message that appeared there precisely when we are configuring a link if we place it as a delete type for example then they recommend that you do some configuration here and we deal with that here Well here I finished a section for the arabil inertia the course that right now I am placing directly for the base r course and then I update in Academia what is the current course and in udemy I dont know what to do I dont know if I upload it I dont know if I only sell it through academy or whatever the hell I do but Im not going to update the current one Im going to leave that like that Im going to start with that policy now in Emi of not updating the courses so much and simply when I go to record a new one because in the end that brings me problems Because some say well they start to talk about that although the course is being updated for a long time precisely out of respect for people then some come out eh discriminating That there is previous material because again and obviously Im going to Im updating the most important part that is to say if in the new version they released three or four things Those are the ones I deal with And if the rest of the things are the same and are preserved at 100 then I dont update them For obvious reasons right now I made a cut with the Laravel course since Remember that I started the Laravel course in version 6 were going for 11 So yes I wanted to make a completely new course to renew it from scratch but thats another topic but for example Inertia which is between 9 and 10 the version I made the course in the content is almost the same but right now what I wanted to rerecord is for reasons of the new Arabel course the one Im telling you about the base so I took advantage and also updated some things here so probably if they release it on Udemy it would be a new course

Well here is also the part of the course to create a custom pagination component Well as it says we create a custom pagination component

And we continue a little with php unit a comparison between the two here again what would be a presentation of another section in this case recording for the posts with Laravel inertia here some tests with the testing environment with pest that basically So that you know a little how to work with pest and the characteristics of a project in inertia and well basically you install an Inertia project and that is what brings us here to apply validations to forms in this case it is for the basic course of Laravel there is the playlist that I am uploading from Laravel 10 which is the course that was prior to the updated one and also

This one that I just took out yesterday which is the middleware for verification of language prefixes in Spanish and English that is to say when you want to place the URL your domain sls or sln to place the language there some things that you can take there as a reference and with that we finish this part


Well here I also present to you that I started a new channel here you can see the video in this case it is because I want to separate a little what is the subject of everything that I handle in the channel the first thing that I had of free development that is of development the ab the diango codiner what you already know even I put that I could have placed it here but I also want to develop a little bit the part of video games that is a concern that I have had for many years and little by little studying and working with Unity but based on the guidelines that they are releasing new ones that in the end they backed down that was a scandal you can look for more information there Eh well I abandoned it a little and went for real which cost me quite a bit to start but I have been gaining the taste for it So well here I want to do some character projects to sell on steam or in the Play Store whatever it is obviously be a game much more time that is in an application or that depends but I say a moderately common or decent type of platform game for example So here I want to take this channel initially as a kind of log to show progress and with this I am explaining how certain developments are made, what I am doing, what I am considering to make a video game, then nothing I can recommend it to you In case you also want to start your first video game regardless of the platform, since regardless of the platform you have to follow certain steps, then well it may be useful to you in case you want to start your first video game again, then well there you have it, in this case I started by synchronizing a real with git and git and everything that this entails since without that I cannot work. Well here it is in English in the side part. Well one of the voices released from the original course eh steps to create a well this I updated yesterday lie that is a little thing that I added there but it is for when you are going to publish from Flutter in your application for the Play Store to see not the Google Play and you have to follow some steps there and there it shows some errors steps and others that you should follow to upload the application we continue with pes as I told you I got a lot of material in the section it was almost 8 hours so one I had months literally recording this here other class well other article for pes and here it would be the option to delete from crud well part of the crud as you can see again I don't emphasize it much because it is more or less what I explained to you before the inertia crud well this one stayed here we continue with pes in the process option to create the crot in this case to save from Laravel Livewire a class released again from the original course or an article released from the original course we continue with unit tests Well I handle the same topic that I had with the course as you can see and these are old updates that I was doing as I told you I am making some updates there so nothing is basically what I covered this week So nothing without more to say I'll see you next week.

- Andrés Cruz

En español

Andrés Cruz

Desarrollo con Laravel, Django, Flask, CodeIgniter, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, JavaScript, Vue, Android, iOS, Flutter

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