Weekly update 18-25Nov - Test in Inertia, Introduction Alpine TodoApp, Tailwind + typography
Welcome to another week in which I will talk about updates for the week of November 18th through November 25th.
As always with the content uploaded to the YouTube channel here we have again uploading content for the original Laravel course that I am publishing little by little from Laravel 10 which was the old course that I am uploading on the YouTube channel in this case it is the Modal confirmation model in Vue, that is, a confirmation model for when we are going to delete or a similar operation in this case using Caterpillar UI again.
Here we also have several videos about the pin, we have this one that is to show html content through the click event and vary some content through it, that is, there we can learn about the reactivity that we have with alpine as if it were any other modern framework such as Vue, React, Angular, etc. and down here we also have the x-bind, that is, the attribute bind through Alpine, here is another example for the x-model and the x-text, there for example just as it happens in Vue if we have a v-model we write something we see the content reflected in x-text because here we have the reactivity again known in the pin, here we also have what is the class binding, that is, we continue working a little with the attribute binding only that we see several classes because depending on the attribute with which we are working obviously it will vary how we have to implement it, I will go up a little again.
Last week's updates, a personal video for YouTube, in this case I'm telling you about a plugin that you can use for Tailwind ccs in case you're using Tailwind ccs so that you can quickly configure what is the size and spacing, understood as margin or padding for typography, that is, paragraphs h1 h2 hx etc. With a plugin we can configure practically everything to avoid doing it manually, which always ends up wrong.
The following is another personal video, in this case to export html content, which we can do from Google docs, here we have a download file and here we have a web page, which in this case generates an html document, but the problem is that it generates an html document with a lot of attributes, which we usually want to clean up, so I'm telling you a little about all that, which is a key for me since I'm exporting little by little for my books in the Academy app.
A toast-type message to show some action that has been performed.
A very personal video, this one is also following another one that I had published about the Mac mini, which I consider to be the best Mac mini in terms of quality and price. The base model is around 579 and the worst would be precisely when we take that base model and put in what is a little more RAM and a little more storage, with which the price that it gives us can double or even a little more than the base model, that is to say, with the same value you can buy two Mac minis with the base model, which is crazy because simply increasing a little RAM and a little hard drive already shoots up the price of the same, therefore that would be the one with the worst quality and price ratio, so we will talk a little about that and also there I show which would be the next one that has the best quality and price ratio.
Here we continue with the unit and integration tests in inertia, in this case with the assertion method called where of the inertia assertion and we see how it works.
Here is also a very personal video that I want to stop for a little bit. more to explain some things these videos are a little new to me those that are like this
opinion so I'm there as who says still defining at my pace and some things may escape me because they are such open topics that sometimes maybe well something can be misinterpreted so I'm going to talk a little about that here my impression above all is the lack of new content that we have on Udemy since if we check for example here the personal website notice that the only new course that at least is recommended to me is this one that appears here all the others are old courses and this is something that I saw or it is seen in a better way if we come here to development and simply here you select what is the technology what is it that you want to see in my case or in the case of the video we saw what interests me which is web development mobile development and video game development for example let's get into web development that one would think has more content than video game development or directly mobile because of all the ecosystems that we have and look what is recommended to me here a course jquery eye I understand that jquery is still used a lot in old web pages but ok really I don't know I don't think I'm recommending something so so old but anyway because really and updated in December of this year I hadn't even seen it December 2013 Imagine you we are in l 2024 an 11 year old course and updated, that is to say even older, then it's crazy with this and here you can see again that there is practically no new course that is being recommended, all are old courses, the rest are sold, good, the best sellers according to them according to some criteria but there is no new material, which seems a little strange to me since it is supposed that in this time, as you could see, it is the time of the Black frider, there are supposed to be many more sales than normal, then anyone would think that it is a good option to launch a new course and therefore have some potential sales, but precisely because of this type of issues, be careful, this again is a personal opinion, it is that I see that Udemy is a little stagnant because it is always recommending old courses to you, just as I showed you, now I can't find the query one, I think they moved it a bit, so there I also compared it with what it was in mobile development, if I go in here, here is mobile development, which appeared as the first course, let's see if it still appears, correct, another Legacy course, that is to say, another quite old course that is from Fernando Herrera who is the one in charge of development at Flutter who released a new version a few years ago and here is, I think it was this one, this one down here and they still recommend this to you, so here and I make a little comparison with what YouTube would be, that is to say, Imagine that YouTube is simply recommending you the videos that have more views or more thumbs up, it was recommending you videos from many years ago like Udemy station, then it is supposed that this should not be like this because this would also damage the platform and with this it would also damage the people who are selling the content here because a person who sees an old course as the first result may not search any further and therefore you are worsening the experience since it is supposed and especially from this person of Fernando Herrera that the new course is going to have much better material, it is going to be much more current, it is going to correct errors that will have been made in the first version and therefore here the person is going to have a worse experience if you compare it with the new course and this you can apply with any other type of material, whether from the same person or from different people, so all this in the end It is a stagnation on both sides, that is to say, then this ultimately translates into a stagnation and with this worse conditions both at the level of the platform and the people who are trying to sell their content here, which well in the end does not benefit anyone, so I really do not understand why no action is taken on the matter and again all of this is my opinion and that was basically all we saw with the YouTube channel part.
- Curso Laravel - Modal de Confirmación para eliminar + RestAPI y Vue 19 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vu8EIrnU-cc
- Mostrar contenido HTML con variables reactivas: x-data, click y x-show - 4 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Pafe-7--zg
- Actualización semana 11-18Nov - Pruebas en Inertia, Introducción Alpine TodoApp, optimizar Querys + - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQC2FZ3_9lc
- Configura rapidamente margenes y tamaños de las tipografías en TailwindCSS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aawv213yOv8
- Campos de textos y variables: x-model y x-text en Alpine JS - 5 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsiP93GCAww
- Exporta contenido HTML de Google Docs a tu página, claves - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USEfaAmDhVY
- Curso Laravel - Mensaje de acción o Toast en Vue 21 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8EPFEelH-c
- Atributos: x-bind en Alpine.js 6 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOTmm3VrRdQ
- La Mejor/Peor/ Mac Mini Calidad Precio (Y mi opción) / M4 vs M4 Pro - Benchmark - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVSwkE2KSRY
- Atributos: binding de clases Alpine JS 7 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a00QIhNhOns
- Método de aserción where Laravel Inertia - 6 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVfNqnHjT60
- ¿Udemy estancada? - ¿Nuevos cursos? - Pésimo diseño para llamar a la acción - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPDOx9wshJs
For the updates in the course we follow a bit the same in this case for what is the application or the project that we are carrying out with Laravel Livewire which is the application of everything we are here doing what is the management of everything As you can see and some errors that are happening along the way since here we are working with multiple technologies we are working with Livewire we also have Laravel we also have Alpine somewhere we have a plugin there to handle in this case only javascript which is the sortable which is purely for javascript, that is to say it has absolutely nothing to do with Alpine and of course Laravel and we are trying to make everything work together for the inertia course that I am taking on Windows we continue with the tests I am almost going to finish them finally and then I can dedicate myself to something else we are doing the tests for the form step by step and it is a bit the same the typical crud that is to say to edit and to create elements and there we are talking a bit about that and some problems that we have to test some in particular for example those of shareData that is to say for example in this case the variable called Step that was to maintain or to indicate What step we are going to show is very difficult to evaluate due to how inertia works a bit and this would be all with the part of the updates at the level of the courses and books.
Aplicación de To Do con Livewire y Alpine
$wire.get $wire.entangle
Eliminar un to do
Vamos a eliminar un to do en la base de datos.
Eliminar todos los to do
Vamos a eliminar todos los to do.
Editar un todo
Vamos a actualizar un to do.
Marcar completado un to do
Vamos a marcar como completado un to do.
Sincronizar Array de Todos en la creación
Vamos a arreglar el problema de sincronizar el listado al momento de crear.
Reparar error en el drag and drop
Vamos a reparar un error que cuando reordenamos se dispara el evento de update sobre el todo.
Extra: Reordenación de los to do por axios
Integración con Inertia - Pruebas
Paso por Paso: Segundo paso, Person
Vamos a crear las pruebas para el segundo paso del formulario paso por paso, el de personas el GET y POST.
Paso por Paso: Tercer paso, Detail
Vamos a crear las pruebas para el tercer paso del formulario paso por paso, GET y POST.
Paso por Paso: Primer paso, Editar, Get
Vamos a crear las pruebas para el primer paso del formulario paso por paso, el GET para editar.
Paso por Paso: Primer paso, Editar, Put
Vamos a crear las pruebas para el primer paso del formulario paso por paso, el de detalle para editar en Put.
Paso por Paso: Segundo paso, Company, Get
Vamos a crear las pruebas para el segundo paso, el de company del formulario paso por paso, editar en Get.
Historial y Shared data
Hablaré sobre la comprobación del shared data.
Paso por Paso: Segundo paso, Company, Edit
Vamos a crear las pruebas para el segundo paso, el de company del formulario paso por paso, editar en Put.
Paso por Paso: Segundo paso, Person
Vamos a crear las pruebas para el segundo paso, el de person del formulario paso por paso, editar.
Paso por Paso: Tercer paso, Detail
Vamos a crear las pruebas para el tercer paso, el de detail del formulario paso por paso, editar.
As for the blog here remember that I'm doing a little more of the same, which is that I'm publishing on the YouTube channel, these are updates that I'm here cleaning up a little the presentation of the courses that I have published here in the courses tab, so there's really nothing new there, a little bit of the same, what I was telling you about, that Udemy is already quite stagnant and I really don't understand why it doesn't try to improve a little bit what was commented, I'm going to download this here we also have what is how you can make a circular movement on a surface in real life in case you're interested, this is also part of the new YouTube channel that I'm publishing the content for the pin that I had mentioned to you a few moments ago for the YouTube channel, what I was telling you with the base model that costs around 00 if you double it a little bit the r and the hard drive to obviously have a little bit better features, basically you can buy two Mac minis of the base model, which is crazy because obviously a Mac mini is much more than just a little bit of RAM and a little bit of hard drive, so I really don't understand that quality ratio. price that has such a strange Apple here again the videos that I told you about alpine and I think that with this I finish what are the updates to what is for the mentioned week all the content that I uploaded since here as it is you can see It is simply the same content that I uploaded for YouTube but in a format so without more to say I will see you in another video.
- Andrés Cruz
Desarrollo con Laravel, Django, Flask, CodeIgniter, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, JavaScript, Vue, Android, iOS, Flutter