Week 30S Update - 7 Oct - Filters Sorting Datatable Livewire Inertia Data C4 and +
Youtube, Laravel is hard to learn, When to use CodeIgniter 4, parent child communication Livewire, List filter in Laravel and Flutter, Sanctum Token Auth
Courses, Inertia and Livewire: Filters and sorting of a Datatable
Alpine + Livewire, debounce in Vue 3
Update of the week, from the points shown above
Hello, welcome to another week, in this case it is the week of September 30th in which we will see more updates all the content that I uploaded for the said week in this case starting
As always with the YouTube channel here, the first video found here would be an introduction, in this case for the filters part, I'll tell you a little more about this here, this would be the Livewire one and below is the inertia one since I'm doing everything in parallel.
Here I tell you about a very personal video in this case it is considered that Laravel is difficult to learn and I would say yes in a few words for two simple reasons one is because when you want to do anything we have multiple ways of doing the same thing if you want to create something to show on screen it has the components it has the routes it has the controllers you also have lare you also have components with inerts if you have like five different ways at least and this to give an example then yes I consider that it is difficult to learn precisely because of that characteristic that we have in Livewire which is the bifurcation of features that can be done in the same way apart from the fact that as Laravel evolves little by little every year and usually makes changes it is at the beginning the person who is learning and wants to search for material on the internet usually will not find the latest version therefore will have to match the new changes that surely I am using the latest version of Laravel with what you are reading on the internet So these are things that I consider why Laravel is difficult to learn especially at the beginning not so much but there we have it apart from the fact that a project in Laravel It has a lot of files so it can be quite intimidating the first time.
Last week's update.
Here we have a video that is part of the course that I released here on YouTube that would be the communication from the parent to the child in Livewire in this case through events and the most recommended thing here would be to directly pass the parameters since the parent has content to the children it is okay to pass the parameters with the data that it has to have for the child to be built and little else but we can also use the events and there I talk about some interesting things.
Here is the demo of what I mentioned before the filter but in this case for Inertia.
This is also a specific video for YouTube in which I showed you how I created the filter in this case from the Academia application that if you haven't downloaded it you can download it from the Google Play store at least for now there I show you how I created a filter in this case for the ListVieww that is being listed well as how I implemented it in this case it was for if it was the prices it would be free will the technology and other little things be paid for.
There is the demo right now I also talk to you about this this I also already completed for inertia and Livewire that should be down here I think it was this one that is the column ordering it is basically this if I come over here this is the filter that we already finished filtering and here the ordering.
Here again the multiple filter in this case is what I had to put here. Yes, I put Vue in this case, I also implemented it for Vue since remember that I have a duality between what is the mobile application with what I do here at the Academy and well, they are little things that I develop, I consider interesting, I like to share them with you. This is the filter, I also did it with Flutter and this is the most complex one, it would be this one or the one that has one more option, which would be the English and Spanish languages, and here the technology.
For what are the updates in the blot is a little what I commented above I already released the introductions the part of the ordering as I presented to you right now here you can see everything that was done for inertia and here is the one for Laravel too and apart from what would be good here we also started with the shopping cart that we are going to implement in inertia then later we will take it to iware and right now precisely right now I completed and that is why I am making this video with and with face capture also already complete The part of the integration of lw with js in which we worked most of all was with CKEditor and we also saw a little bit of the Hood which is part of the life cycle you could say there is the client of the components, that is to say every time the component is updated here Livewire then well here Then we have some messages from the server and there we can capture it and do something basically whatever you want.
Integración con Inertia - Ordenación
Limpiar filtros
Vamos a crear un botón para limpiar el filtro.
Integración con Inertia - Web Blog
Definimos el layout.
Página de listado: Estructura inicial
Vamos a crear el esqueleto de la app.
Página de listado: Diseño
Vamos a trabajar en el diseño de la página de listado.
Página de detalle
Vamos a crear la página de detalle.
Colocar formulario paso por paso en detalle
Vamos a colocar el formulario paso por paso en el detalle del post.
Integración con Inertia - Carrito compras
Listado de productos: Esquema inicial
Vamos a crear el esqueleto del módulo.
Item de carrito
Vamos a crear el controlador y estructura inicial para administrar un item del carrito.
Integración con Livewire - Ordenación
Ordenación por definición de columnas
Vamos a crear la estructura para la ordenación de las columnas del listado.
trait: Extender el esquema de ordenación a otros componentes
Vamos a crear reutilizable el componente de ordenación.
Extra: Limpiar filtro
Vamos a crear un enlace para limpiar el filtro.
Integración con Livewire - JS
Introducción al JS de Livewire
Hooks en JavaScript
CKeditor: Configuración y descarga
Vamos a conocer el plugin y obtenerlo.
CKeditor Node: Instalación inicial
Vamos a configurar CKEditor en Laravel Livewire.
Coupon of the week and now with this we can go to what would be the Blog So I'm going to open it here I have not worked on this page yet I am doing many things here well here this would be for next week but how to use when to use Codeigniter 4 that I have not made a video about codiner 4 for a long time but with larabel I already have more than enough work but still I consider it a very interesting framework especially for people who do not want to be as who says up to date that is to say how can you make a comparison in Gaming there are people who like it who are enthusiastic understand that they play 4 5 hours a day or what do I know and there are people like me who like to play 20 minutes 30 minutes a day I do an equivalent here and in this case to follow Laravel you have to always be mounted on the updates basically Every week every so often you have to be updating yourself on the new changes while codin is a fro a little more passive therefore this is excellent for people who may not have their initial profession programming have it there as a secondary or simply If you are learning then CodeIgniter 4 can be an excellent option because you don't have to be tormented with those recurring updates that we have in Arabic in the vast part of the framework and this can also be tied a little to what I was telling you before that Laravel is a difficult framework to learn if we compare it with CodeIgniter.
A little bit of what I talked about here this one I also released about the importance of Alpine js along with what is the entanglement, the communication between them which is good and important and as who says here they are the best companions.
Here what is a Range filter well we return with the filters would be the one that I presented to you here Well this one not this one that we have here in this case it is using inertia Of course we continue going down a little in this case the publication that I mentioned to you before Remember that I am going to upload a video I also publish the publication I have the redundancy this also takes a video with this but I think I ate it that it is to delay events in this case what is known as deb if for example when you execute the click event you want to wait a certain time here it shows you how you can implement it with Vue since you have this feature that you have to integrate it through a plugin eh we continue going down a little here It would be for the filtering part.
With this we have arrived here at the end and Well about this it is also to create a custom pagination component since for some reason I think I mentioned this last week but in inertia we do not have a pagination component that we can use therefore we have to create it and Well here I show you how to do it and without further ado this is all I will see you next week.
Youtube, Laravel is hard to learn, When to use CodeIgniter 4, parent child communication Livewire, List filter in Laravel and Flutter, Sanctum Token Auth
Courses, Inertia and Livewire: Filters and sorting of a Datatable
Alpine + Livewire, debounce in Vue 3
Update of the week, from the points shown above