Update week 2Dec - 9Dec - Testing Inertia Livewire, Alpine CkEditor GridVIew Flutter +

Youtube, Testing in Laravel Livewire ListVIew to GridView and Detect navigation Flutter, Conditionals and Alpine Script block Courses/Books Testing for the Blog and Dashboard category Livewire - Testing All Apps and Cart Blog

Hello everyone, welcome to another week in which I will comment on the updates from the week of December 2nd to December 9th.


Starting as always on the YouTube channel here, apart from all the content you can see, I also uploaded the introductions, the introductory videos for the Livewire course, which would be the same as what we did last week or whatever you call the week before, which would be for the shopping cart, the application of everything and little else really here.

We have a special video as our first class, since we start here, integration or unit tests are two different things, but for us who are introducing, we care little about the basic aspects that these tests have to have to do any of the types mentioned above, since once again we finally start the last of the modules that I have at least thought of for that course, which is the one about tests, there we have it.

Last week's update here we also have, following the previous case, the first steps with the Laravel Livewire tests since, like the Arabel Inertia, we can use Laravel base, that is, the same thing we have in Laravel base, but we have there an addition specifically the Livewire::test module that allows us to directly evaluate the component and do the same assertion methods that we do with Laravel, such as if we see this if a certain Data is established, etc.

Here is also a specific or exclusive video for the YouTube channel that is how to detect internet connection in Flutter, for that we have to use a package with this, for example if we do not have internet, do not make the request and show a screen that says that there is no internet, little more really.

Here we also have a special video for the YouTube channel which is ListView to GridView in Flutter precisely with the Academy application I migrated here you can see all the listings to a ListView what does this mean that I am placing one item next to the other and I am not placing it as a leview that this would be the approach that would be applied in everything else, that is, regardless of the size of the screen and this is to prepare it for example tablets or directly that at some point I export the application to the desktop as it is what you are seeing on the screen we have this gain to see more information in the same space so here I show you a little how the process is since it is a very simple migration and it is the beauty of Flutter that we have everything very modularized.

Here we also have following the course of the á bas that I am exporting little by little the initial the original The loading of files with Vue and Laravel conditionals in Alpine how to apply the conditionals little more to say.

Also, if you have a very large component in Alpine, we can follow the classic scheme here, which is to convert or separate the logic, that is, the script, into a separate script block, since by default the main feature we have in Alpine is that we can create our component in Alpine in a single HTML block, in a single HTML tag, so to speak, that encapsulates other tags, and so we can create several per page, but here, too, if necessary, we can separate it into a script block, which is perfect for the application we want to create, which in the end is a todolist type application, since it will have many functionalities and we can separate it as mentioned above.

Here is also another exclusive video for YouTube, that is, it is not part of the courses in which CKEditor is installed, which I already have several videos about the same thing, it shows you how you can create keyboard events, it is precisely for example here that I have a CKEditor I can for example point to this keyboard, this text, and instead of placing the option here, for example this one, which is the one I worked on, I press my keyboard, for example, f12, in this case it is the key that I placed and the following result appears, which is obviously a gain since I do not have to be constantly pointing and giving this, for this what I did was intercept the clck event or rather apply the click event on this element, which we detect using a selector, we simply apply it to the selected text, we do not even have to worry about the selected text, we simply hit a click here and that editor takes care of everything else.


So that was all the content I uploaded for the YouTube channel in terms of courses, a little bit of what was discussed for Laravel, I have already started the testing part, we talked about how to implement tests for Laravel Livewire, that is, the basics, and from here we start to implement them, what we are doing, working on authentication, configuring the database a bit the same when necessary, and from here we do the tests for the blog, which would be the simplest module, detail and Index, and here immediately after it would be for the dashboard, starting again with the categories as you can see, and here we have not seen the posts yet, there we have all the tests for the categories, as for Inertia, here I am also still with the tests, but we are almost finishing, I should finish the tests for Inertia this week we are here with the cart, that was almost the last thing, and from here we start with the application of all, which would be the last thing that we are going to test, but well, today it comes up to here, up to the part of completing the CRUD, you could say, what is missing is the part of the ordering, the status, and also handling the errors, and that would be practically all.

  1. Blog: Prueba para el detalle

    1. Crearemos la prueba para el detalle de un post en el blog.

  2. Dashboard: Prueba para listado

    1. Prueba para el dashboard del listado.

  3. Autenticación

    1. Vamos a autenticar un usuario para los módulos protegidos por autenticación.

  4. Dashboard, Categoría: Prueba para crear, GET

    1. Prueba para el formulario de creación de una categoría.

  5. Configurar base de datos

    1. Vamos a configurar una base de datos de prueba.

  6. Factories y adaptar pruebas anteriores

    1. Vamos a crear unos factories para generar datos de prueba.

  7. Dashboard: Prueba para crear la categoria

    1. Vamos a crear la prueba para crear una categoría.

  8. Tarea: Dashboard: Prueba para editar categoría

    1. Vamos a crear la prueba para editar una categoría.

  9. Dashboard: Prueba para eliminar categoría

    1. Vamos a crear la prueba para eliminar una categoría.


Integración con Inertia - Pruebas

  1. Carrito: Sesión

    1. Vamos a verificar la sesión del carrito.

  2. Carrito: Eliminar

    1. Vamos a crear las pruebas para cuando eliminemos un ítem existente y no existente en el carrito.

  3. Carrito: Últimos detalles

    1. Hablamos sobre los cambios finales.

  4. Todo: Listado

    1. Creamos la prueba para el listado de to dos

  5. Todo: Crear

    1. Creamos la prueba para crear de to dos

  6. Todo: Actualizar

    1. Creamos la prueba para actualizar to dos

  7. Todo: Eliminar

    1. Creamos la prueba para eliminar to dos


As for the blog, it's going to be a bit the same: conditionals in Alpine, modularizing components in Flutter, detecting connections in PHP Unit, and other classes that I'm missing. Well, in this case, it's Livewire based on last week's update. These are the updates I was making at the course level, which I was improving the presentation a little bit. And I really think that's all I've been doing for the week mentioned, so without further ado, I'll see you next week.

- Andrés Cruz

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Andrés Cruz

Desarrollo con Laravel, Django, Flask, CodeIgniter, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, JavaScript, Vue, Android, iOS, Flutter

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