Update week 20Jan-27Jan - CKEditor CRUD Form Laravel - Vue 3 + RestApi CodeIgniter 4

Youtube, JWT Sanctum and Vue, Subscriptions in Laravel Cashier and Stripe, Api Rest Vue and CodeIgniter 4- fetch Blog Books/ Courses Subscriptions in Laravel Cashier and Stripe, Api Rest Vue and CodeIgniter 4- fetch axios

Welcome to another week in which I talk about updates to the content I created for the week of January 20th to January 27th, starting as always with what I've uploaded for the YouTube channel.


Here we can divide it, I think it is in four blocks. On the one hand, I am still uploading what is the content for the Json Web Token, which in this case is through Vue sanctum and a RestAPI, that is, sanctum. For the protection part, here you can see the videos in which I am working with the logout part, you could say it would be this one and this one that we have up here.

The following is the content that I am uploading to the modern Laravel course, in this case, the subscription part in Stripe, that is, to be able to do it here, you can see that we do a bit of everything, we see several methods to cancel it, end it, do some tests, and of course deal with the grace periods, which is when the user has a subscription, cancels it, but has not yet finished enjoying those days and therefore still has that period that they call the grace period until the subscription ends.

Here we also have another way to easily work with the subscription in Laravel, which in this case is through the checkout object guest create, which we remember is the one we use to generate the session ID, but also here we can configure it for handle a subscription that's the beauty of all this that is practically the same code

Here I also have one for fastapi this one you are not taking into account but for the example data part there you can see it

Here we also have for the coiner part that I am resuming the course a bit I am also publishing some things and we are finally doing the integration to consume the RestApi codeigniter 4 through an application in vue in this case so this can also be taken as an introduction to Vue 3 in case you want something a little more modern, that is to say something more current and you don't know how to work with Vue for a bit as is the subject of the course that for me codiner 4 is a course for beginners because it is like who says you are entering the web development part in this case with php framework then I always give everything a little more as who says base and I am making very specific introductions each time we work with Vue 3 so if you want to learn Vue

I also recommend that you watch these videos and I have uploaded several in this case it is for explain a little about the folder structure that we have for Vue once the project is generated using node. For the rest, here we do the first fetch, as I said, we're going little by little for CodeIgniter 4, so here we present a little bit about the use of fetch, which is the way, as they say, of the base or native way that we have to make http requests using the javascript RestAPI, and we're basically doing that. For the rest, here you have the rest of the content.

Here I also have a promotional video, in this case for the Livewire 3 book with Laravel 11, which in this case I already updated. Well, let's go with the blog.


Here I have it what we have here is more or less the same thing that I was telling you about on the YouTube channel here the subscriptions part the folders of the node modules for Vue a project in Vue example data in FastAPI we continue here with the subscriptions through the object that I mentioned to you before we have to explain the folder structure that we have in Vue We continue here with the subscriptions at the Stripe level with á and everything else and here we are creating a project in Vue that as I indicated before we are going to consume the API of CodeIgniter 4 well this is the other channel that I indicated to you that I am dealing with a little more Gamer type topics So here I am talking about the things that I do not like about virtual reality in this case with the metaquest We continue here with Vue and Vue and C4 the first steps

Here I also talk to you a little about how to modularize my payment platform in this case for the sale of my courses and books in stry Piper this is with reference to the fact that as there are several platforms there are also several resources so we have to Modularize everything as much as possible so that it can be easily reusable and scalable is basically what I'm talking about there, so I'm giving you little tips on what I did, using laar verer with conader 4, this also now that I took up the C4 course again, I also talk about how to update old versions, that is, I had a cider 4 project 3 years ago that I haven't updated for 2 or 3 years and obviously they've already released several versions, so updating is a little nightmare because they also keep updating a little, look, here in the config I change one thing, here in the Filter I change another thing, so updating all that manually in an old project is a nightmare, it's better to create a new one, copy all the old content including the repository in git and simply finish tying everything up, configuring it and working with a completely new project instead of making those changes manually

There's also a little humor in a video, you could say some crazy recommendations that the YouTube AI makes me, and here are also some problems I had with the Mac mini, here I think content from last week also snuck in, but oh well, I don't know. what happened to the dates So that's all for the blog

Courses and Books

As for the updates at the level of the courses and also in the future of the books a little bit also what was commented, that is to say I am here working on the course with C4

So here we have basically all the complete videos without not only those exposed on the YouTube channel as you can see in this case we are again starting from scratch creating an application in vi3 seeing the first steps to see how the hell Vue 3 works making the first requests making the first axios replacing the fetch and here creating our first component that as always will be the listing we present here the base structure and from here we take advantage that is why I tell you that these are these first videos that

I am publishing both in the course and on the YouTube channel since this is this I am going to publish it little by little also some at least on the YouTube channel they help you to learn how to work with Vue here and the life cycle in this specific case to the create function although we also talked about a little about the diagram, that is to say the rest of the life cycle methods that we have there with View and we present here one of the jewels of the crowns when we work with Vue the before a little bit how it works and also here we take the opportunity to learn another way of working with promises which is with axios and fetch and a demo on how reactivity works in vi that is to say when a variable is changed let's see the change reflected in the entire application you could say or in the entire component here as I told you I have already finished the part of the casher with Vue and stripe so here I also placed what is the latest videos and now from here I have to place here the sec editor we are working with is with sec editor to integrate it here in our application this was the last one that I recorded right now that we were able to integrate the sec editor plugin so that when we make a change here then we are here a sen here it was updated look here Yes I come here I place about three surcharges here we have the change So we are integrating what is sec editor as part of the form it is not so direct So that is what we are doing here so we start as always going to the page in this case to generate the build so that it generates the entire structure for us and from there we install it in our project and from there we are establishing it a bit with what the publications are and finally in this part I finally also explain a little bit what the generated code was

CodeIgniter 4

  1. CORS en CodeIgniter 4, la forma fácil

    1. Vamos a configurar los CORS en C4 de una manera sencilla.

  2. Pruebas con los fetch

    1. Vamos a realizar algunas pruebas con los fetch.

  3. Axios en reemplazo de los fetch

    1. Vamos a instalar y configurar axios.

  4. Nuestro primer axios

    1. Vamos a crear nuestra primera petición axios.

  5. CORS en CodeIgniter 4, la forma fácil, definir URL de desarrollo

    1. Vamos a conocer como podemos configurar una URL en los cors.

  6. Componente de listado: Estructura base

    1. Vamos a crear la estructura

  7. Componente de listado: Ciclo de vida, Created

    1. Vamos a popular el listado de películas desde el método de Created que forma parte del ciclo de vida de una app en vue.

  8. Componente de listado: v-for y async await

    1. Vamos a conocer cómo emplear los v-for, y conocer también el uso del async y await.

  9. Demo: Reactividad de Vue y uso de funciones

    1. Vamos a conocer un poco más sobre la radiactividad de vue y crear el bloque de funciones.

Laravel Cashier, Vue y Stripe - CKEditor


  1. Stripe: Pago suscripción por el objeto Checkout::guest()->create()

    1. Vamos a hacer una demostración haciendo una suscripción desde el objeto Checkout.

  2. Stripe: Manejo de claves

    1. Vamos a modularizar el acceso a la clave pública desde la app de Laravel.

  3. CKEditor - WYSIWYG, Primeros pasos

    1. Hablamos sobre los formateadores de texto.

  4. CKEditor, Primeros pasos

    1. CKEditor el mejor editor WYSIWYG.

  5. CKEditor, Generar build

    1. Generar el build de salida

  6. CKEditor, Instalar NPM y Configurar el build

    1. Vamos a instalar la CKEditor en el proyecto en Laravel.

  7. CKEditor, Crear UI en el proyecto

    1. Vamos a emplear CKEditor en el proyecto.

  8. CKEditor, Integrar CKEditor en el CRUD de los Posts

    1. Vamos a embeber el CKEditor como parte del formulario para que ahora el contenido del post sea enriquecido/html.

  9. CkEditor, explicar el código generado en el build

    1. Vamos a hablar un poco sobre el archivo generado.

- Andrés Cruz

En español

Andrés Cruz

Desarrollo con Laravel, Django, Flask, CodeIgniter, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, JavaScript, Vue, Android, iOS, Flutter

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