Update week 13 Jan-20 Jan - Laravel Stripe Subscriptions and Rest API CodeIgniter 4
YouTube, Crazy AI, App Vue 3 and CodeIgniter 4 Rest API - Laravel, Vue, Sanctum and JWT, My Payment Platform, how to modularize, keys Blog, Courses, Laravel Cashier, Subscriptions and payment methods, C4 REST API
Welcome to another week in which I will talk about all the content I uploaded for the week of January 13th until January 20th, which is the current date
So also starting by indicating that I have already finished the integration with Stripe of the Laravel base course, the courses are obviously now available both on Udemy and Academia and also in the Academia web viewer, that is, to directly view the Academy book since later I have to publish the book again but I have not done so yet, I have only put it here because obviously it is simpler, so it is a little clearer.
Let's go through the videos that I uploaded this week here a little bit this one that is a joke in which in the YouTube panel for what is the DAS for the management of my videos also has a recommendations section that is through an AI according to then a little pessimistic in the sense that you recommend me are obviously this does it because based on the videos that I upload videos with few views and I also say that it is a little crazy because it recommends me to talk about a video in which I include the Alpine with Vue that does not make sense then I leave it there the video is here
Here we continue to expose a little bit the videos of the original Laravel course that was from 6 to 10 it is remembered in which we are working with the authentication token part through Vue and of course Sanctum which is the one that generates this token then here the part of the management from the application in this case in Vue once obtained from or consumed from the application in Laravel here we also have to send the authentication token in all acos requests that is to say once we have that token obviously we have to use it to be able to consume protected resources is what we are doing here this was also before this one which was to redirect once the login was done redirection to another component in Vue remember that we are working with Vue here also consume the authentication token well it is more or less all the same
The next step is for the CodeIgniter part I took up the CodeIgniter 4 course a little bit and I had not touched it for 3 years so I had to make some videos before the topic which is to consume the application from Vue that is to say we have the rapi we are trying to consume the application from View which is what we can see here so before that I moved here to Well as you can see to the mac so I am using lar because we can do it perfectly it is like largon for Windows but in this case it is for Mac and Windows and since I was developing the project here on the mac then I was able to use amente So I will tell you a little bit basically that and also how I updated the old version since a little bit the mess we have in cer 4 which we also obviously have the larabel is that every time they come out a version that is a minor version they always change some things in the configuration files and so on, so we have to make all the changes manually or we can perfectly create a new project then the new project what we do is copy all our development to the new project from the old to the new project we also bring what is the repository on GitHub And from there we work and there it should work without problems because if not we have to update the composer the configuration files and know what else
From here we have what is good to create the project in Vue.
- La IA de YouTube esta Loca, le gusta el Clickbait, es Pesimista y esta como una Cabra - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZZbeyNAf2E
- Manejar token de acceso desde la app en Vue/Laravel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIVqqRjCppE
- Actualizar versiones antiguas de CodeIgniter 4 a una versión moderna - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gWYtqCyrgg
- Emplear Laravel Herd con CodeIgniter 4 en MacOS y Windows - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwb9Pt57Z6s
- Consumir el JWT de Laravel desde la aplicación en Vue 04 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36Qe4w3VxWs
- Como modularize MI plataforma de pagos para venta de cursos/libros con Stripe/Paypal en web y mobile - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46DHWg7SED0
- Redireccionar al momento de realizar el Login en Vue con Laravel - 5 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPTnttvhYh8
- Enviar token de autenticación en todas las peticiones axios en Vue- 06 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxYQ9AJ8LkM
- Crear un nuevo proyecto en Vue (npm create vue) para consumir mediante una API en CodeIgniter 4 -2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROBpsBcAo-I
In the blog here remember that I also have a channel on YouTube for in this case I talk a little bit there a little more from the point of view of games but from the point of view of development eh I also throw some topics of this type In case you are interested there you can see the title for the rest it is more or less the same that we had on the YouTube channel since I am publishing in parallel what it is to create a project in Vue simply Vue then we are going to consume it through CodeIgniter 4 here I also talk to you that this was also here but I lost how to modulate my payment platforms remembering a little bit feels
Here the academy account here you can acquire any of these resources I'm going to for example I'm going to buy this I give here here I would have to indicate I have to authenticate Excuse me now if we have this here I can give it to pay and here the platforms that I have available to pay appear What is the joke a little in all this obviously here you have to divide what I talk to you about in that video all in two blocks one is the payment platform itself that is depending on whether you use PayPal if you use Stripe or Google Pay whatever you want that has its procedure its specific procedure but behind it for us it is the same since what we want is to attach this resource once paid to the user's account so we have two processes our process which is the logic of our application and the logic of the integration of the payment gateway that we are using then we have to modularize well but well our application having common elements such as the status the status of the request the price the trace the user aspect of that type to modularize as much as possible so that our implementation is as modular as possible since apart from this also remember that I have a mobile application in which I also have exactly the same payment instruments therefore there are no longer two but four that consume an apires as I mentioned to you before to make the payment of a product then it is more or less what I am talking about so that if you have to do a development similar to this you know what point you can take into consideration well this was also in video format
Here is what was discussed with Laravel and CodeIgniter 4 also what was discussed updating the old versions of C4 the thing about the AI that I was telling you about and also here last week although
I think this was last week I'm also talking a little about the storage problem that you can have with 256 GB Macs also for the development part since in summary the problem is that every time you go to install a program you're really going to need three times the available space because this problem because you're going to see this problem when you try to update a software, suppose your escode that weighs 10 GB suppose you install it the first time perfect but when you want to update and it's a bigger version you usually have to download the whole program again and this is to give an example but this also depends on what you're installing you're going to need the 10 GB that it's going to download when it's doing the update, that is to say it doesn't update the first one it downloads and then updates therefore initially you need those 10 you need those 10 GB which is what the software initially weighs After that you also need additional space to do the installation At the time of installing it also needs to have additional space so more or less it would be you're going to require three times the space to be able to manage the software, as they say, satisfactorily and that's all for here, the following
Books Courses
Step are the updates at the level of the courses and books in the future in which we have obviously as I was telling you I started here with the project in CodeIgniter 4 and it was a little of what I mentioned that I was explaining by Vue but obviously here we have more material first steps with Vue I explain a little of what it is all about we create here Vue project using node here we explain a little the structure of the project the folder of the node modules that I also mention to you there that we have to generate it and we are here in the part of the fch trying to consume the Pires in Arabic as I told you we were working with casir with stripe and also with Vue
So we are seeing characteristics of the Laravel Cashier such as eliminating the client's payment methods creating payment intentions that the client can then process through the Card Element through what the stripe API offers us and also confirming the payment part here then here what is good an error that was pending when we can be using the caser that can give a cor error if we do not have the extension enabled subscriptions through stripe that is payments Here we give a presentation in which I basically explain how they work, how we make the subscription, what methods we have available, some of the main ones, here I also explain other methods of interest that may be interesting to know if it has already ended, if it is in, if it is canceled, if the user canceled it, among others, and also here to vary the amount, which is ideal if you want, as they say, to raise the price of a subscription, and finally also to manage the subscription through the plugin that we saw initially of vue stripe, and this is the coupon of the week, so nothing, as I told you, all this material is now available in the Academia web viewer, if you have the book in Academia, you can consume it perfectly, if not, you have to wait for me to also do the update at the level of the books for the platforms mentioned, except for Amazon, since as I indicated, in Amazon, I will not be able to raise the price because I cannot raise it from 9.9. So this update, this content is going to be extra, so I will classify it and it will be or will be available for the rest of the platforms, obviously including Academia, all except ht Amazon, so without further ado, see you next week.
CodeIgniter 4
Primeros pasos
Introducción a Vue
Crear proyecto en Vue mediante Node
Vamos a crear un proyecto en Vue mediante Node.
Estructura del proyecto en Vue
Vamos a hablar sobre la estructura de carpetas que tenemos.
Carpeta de los módulos de node
Vamos a instalar la carpeta de los módulos de nose solamente si no te aparece la carpeta.
Un poco más sobre componentes en Vue
Vamos a hablar sobre los componentes de Vue
Axios/fetch Para realizar peticiones HTTP y consumir la Rest API
Explicación a los fetch en JS para consumir peticiones HTTP
Nuestro primer fetch
Implementamos nuestro primer fetch
Laravel Cashier, Vue y Stripe
Eliminar los métodos de pago
Vamos a eliminar los métodos de pago del usuario.
Crear intenciones de pago
Vamos a crear intenciones de pago.
Crear intenciones de pago: CardElement
Vamos a reutilizar el componente de carta utilizado antes para registrar una tarjeta.
Crear intenciones de pago: Confirmar pago
Vamos a terminar la implementación y confirmar el pago.
Error de Curl en Laravel Stripe
Error al hacer las peticiones en Stripe.
Suscripciones en Stripe: Presentación
Vamos a dar una introducción al uso de las suscripciones.
Suscripciones en Stripe: Otros métodos interesantes
Hablamos sobre otros métodos importantes.
Suscripciones en Stripe: Cantidades
Hablamos sobre variar las cantidades al momento de hacer la suscripción.
Suscripciones en Stripe: Mediante el plugin de Vue Stripe
Vamos a adaptar el plugin de Vue Stripe para hacer pagos recurrentes o suscripciones.
- Andrés Cruz

Desarrollo con Laravel, Django, Flask, CodeIgniter, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, JavaScript, Vue, Android, iOS, Flutter